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发布时间:2018-10-12 20:40
【摘要】:高校学生学术不端行为是制约高校软实力提升的一种隐性因素,也是学生学术道德失范的一种重要表现。近年来,高校学生学术不端行为屡屡频发,为解决此问题,教育部先后出台了《关于严肃处理高等学校学术不端行为的通知》、《关于切实加强和改进高等学校学风建设的实施意见》,高校也陆续制定了一些关于惩处学生学术不端行为的管理办法。制度是一个制度的制定是否完整、是否科学、是否具可行性将直接影响制度的执行效果。但笔者通过对制度的调查与分析发现,高校惩处学生学术不端行为方面的制度尚存在一定的问题,如在认定、惩处和申诉救济学生学术不端行为惩处制度均有一定的困境。本研究试图运用相关理论通过对原因的分析,并借鉴美国高校惩处学生学术不端行为的成功经验来完善与重构符合我国国情且具有公平正义的高校学生学术不端行为惩处制度。本研究共由四个部分组成: 第一部分:引言。本部分主要介绍了高校学生学术不端行为的研究前沿,主要对问题的提出、研究的目的与研究内容、相关的研究综述、研究意义、研究方法与研究思路等问题进行了深入地探究。 第二部分:我国高校学生学术不端行为惩处制度相关概念阐释及理论论要。本部分主要包括相关概念阐释和理论论要两个部分。前者主要是对相关概念进行了解读,如高等学校、高校学生学术不端行为及其表现、制度与学术制度、惩处制度。后者主要是对相关理论进行了阐释,如合理惩罚理论、程序正义理论及教育管理理论。 第三部分:我国高校学生学术不端行为惩处制度考察。本部分主要是通过对我国高校学生学术不端行为惩处制度总体状况的分析,,找出制约高校学生学术不端行为惩处的困境,进而对出现这些问题的原因进行检视与刍议。 第四部分:完善我国高校学生学术不端行为惩处制度的可行性对策。本部分主要是在对美国高校学生学术不端行为惩处参鉴的基础上提出完善我国高校学生学术不端行为惩处制度的基本思路,并在此基础上重构出符合我国国情的、正义合理的高校学生学术不端行为惩处制度。
[Abstract]:The academic misconduct of college students is a recessive factor that restricts the promotion of soft power in colleges and universities, and it is also an important manifestation of students' academic moral anomie. In recent years, academic misconduct among college students has occurred frequently. In order to solve this problem, The Ministry of Education has successively issued the Circular on the serious handling of academic misconduct in Colleges and Universities, and the implementation opinions on strengthening and improving the style of study in institutions of higher Learning. Colleges and universities have also formulated a number of measures to punish students one after another. Methods for the management of misconduct The system is whether the establishment of a system is complete, scientific, and feasibility will directly affect the implementation of the system. However, through the investigation and analysis of the system, the author finds that there are still some problems in the system of punishing students' academic misconduct in colleges and universities. For example, the punishment system of punishing and appealing against students' academic misconduct has some difficulties. This study attempts to use relevant theories to analyze the causes and learn from the successful experience of punishing students' academic misconduct in American colleges and universities to perfect and reconstruct the punishment system of academic misconduct of college students which conforms to the national conditions of our country and has fair and just academic misconduct. This study consists of four parts: the first part: introduction. This part mainly introduces the research frontier of academic misconduct behavior of college students, mainly puts forward the question, the purpose and the research content, the related research summary, the research significance, The research method and the research thought have carried on the thorough exploration. The second part: the related concepts and theories of the punishment system of academic misconduct of college students in our country. This part mainly includes two parts: related concept explanation and theory. The former mainly interprets the related concepts, such as the academic misconduct, the system and the academic system, and the punishment system of the students in colleges and universities. The latter mainly explains the relevant theories, such as the theory of reasonable punishment, the theory of procedural justice and the theory of educational management. The third part: our country university student academic misconduct punishment system investigation. This part is mainly through the analysis of the general situation of the punishment system of the academic misconduct of college students in our country, find out the predicament that restricts the punishment of the academic misconduct of the university students, and then examine and discuss the reasons of these problems. The fourth part: the feasible countermeasure to perfect the punishment system of academic misconduct of college students in our country. This part mainly puts forward the basic idea of perfecting the punishment system of academic misconduct of college students in our country on the basis of reference to the punishment of academic misconduct of American college students, and on this basis, reconstructs the system that is in line with the national conditions of our country. A just and reasonable punishment system for academic misconduct of college students.


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