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发布时间:2018-10-12 21:19
[Abstract]:In theory, discipline construction has the function of promoting universities to perform their functions in an all-round way and to improve the level of running a school as a whole. In practice, different colleges and universities need to explore the way to realize the function of subject construction according to their own foundation and orientation of running a school. Under the background of transformation and development, local colleges and universities need to break through the train of thought of discipline construction of research-oriented universities, focus on serving the cultivation of high-quality applied talents and the development of local economy and society, and take the road of construction of applied subjects. That is, firmly applying innovative orientation, scientific planning and development, oriented to the integration of industry and education, condensing discipline direction, supporting major as the focus, optimizing discipline structure, combining academic ability and practice background, bringing together the subject team, cooperation of government, industry, university and research, Build discipline platform, strengthen application guidance, perfect discipline system, combine science with humanities, cultivate discipline culture.
【作者单位】: 新乡学院科研处;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金(11YJA880164) 河南省教师教育课程改革研究重点项目(2014-jsjyzd-067)


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