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发布时间:2018-10-13 08:02
【摘要】:高等教育已深深融入周遭的经济环境之中,历次金融危机均对高等教育领域带来了一系列影响。2008年爆发的国际金融危机不仅导致各国政府削减高等教育经费、大学捐赠基金严重缩水,还迫使一些高校暂停招聘,削减教师岗位,限制教师涨薪幅度,大幅提高学费。 本研究着眼于此次国际金融危机对六所世界一流大学收支状况、捐赠基金和教师和学生三大方面造成的直接影响,,并探寻了这六所大学的应对措施。研究发现,金融危机爆发后,这六所大学凭借多元化的收入来源、丰厚的科研经费以及稳定的捐赠基金支出克服了政府拨款减少这一不利因素,依旧收支平衡、财务健康。而稳定的捐赠基金支出则有赖于这六所大学所采取的捐赠基金平滑支出政策,正是这一政策缓冲了基金规模大幅缩水对基金支出能力的打击。这六所大学终身制教师的数量在金融危机发生后保持稳定,而非终身制教师数量则略减。教师们的涨薪幅度均在危机爆发以后有所下降,说明金融危机对高等教育的影响存在滞后性。此外,虽然美国的公立大学及英国的大学均因此次危机而大幅上调学费,但亦同时加大了奖助学金资助力度以保障贫困生入学机会。金融危机发生后,这六所大学本科生数量均保持稳定,研究生数量略有增加。
[Abstract]:Higher education has been deeply integrated into the surrounding economic environment, each financial crisis has brought a series of impacts on the field of higher education. The international financial crisis that broke out in 2008 has not only led governments to cut back on funding for higher education. College endowments have shrunk sharply, forcing some colleges to suspend hiring, cut teacher jobs, limit teacher pay rises and sharply increase tuition fees. This study focuses on the direct impact of the international financial crisis on the balance of payments, endowment funds, teachers and students of six world-class universities, and probes into the countermeasures of the six universities. The study found that after the financial crisis, the six universities, with their diverse sources of income, generous research funding and steady endowment spending, overcame the disadvantage of reducing government funding, and remained balanced and financially healthy. The steady spending of the endowment fund depends on the fund's smooth spending policy adopted by the six universities, which cushioned the impact on the fund's ability to spend when the fund's size shrank sharply. The number of tenure teachers in these six universities remained stable after the financial crisis, while the number of non-life teachers declined slightly. The increase in teachers' salaries has declined since the crisis broke out, indicating that the impact of the financial crisis on higher education is lagging behind. In addition, while public universities in the United States and universities in the United Kingdom have sharply increased their tuition fees as a result of the crisis, they have also stepped up scholarships to secure access to poor students. After the financial crisis, the number of undergraduate students in these six universities remained stable, the number of graduate students slightly increased.


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