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发布时间:2018-10-15 07:22
【摘要】:耻感文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,是社会群体道德风尚的集中体现。中国传统耻感文化的内涵丰富、历史悠久、特点鲜明,具有深厚的道德和伦理价值,在当代中国社会道德教育中发挥着不可替代的作用。耻感文化的重建,能够弥补社会群体耻感意识的缺失,化解当前道德教育的困境,对于塑造国民精神,提升国民素质,,增强民族凝聚力具有重要的价值功能。 本文主要研究新时期我国大学生耻感文化现状及其建构等问题。首先,对耻感文化的内涵、功能及其历史发展等基本理论进行分析,在此基础上阐明加强大学生耻感文化建设的基本内容和重要意义。其次,在对大学生耻感意识水平进行实证调查的基础上,分析新时期大学生耻感文化建设存在的问题及影响因素。最后,探讨了在大学生耻感文化建设中应遵循的根本指导思想和需要正确处理的关系,并提出进一步加强大学生耻感文化建设的对策建议及评价体系。本文的研究,对于加强大学生耻感意识的培育,促进大学生道德自律及德行养成具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。
[Abstract]:Shame culture is an important part of Chinese traditional culture and a concentrated embodiment of social group morality. Chinese traditional shame culture is rich in connotation, has a long history and distinctive characteristics, has profound moral and ethical values, and plays an irreplaceable role in moral education in contemporary Chinese society. The reconstruction of shame culture can make up for the lack of sense of shame of social groups, resolve the dilemma of moral education at present, and play an important role in shaping national spirit, improving national quality and enhancing national cohesion. This paper mainly studies the status quo and construction of Chinese college students'sense of shame culture in the new period. First of all, the connotation, function and historical development of shame culture are analyzed, and the basic content and significance of strengthening the construction of shame culture for college students are expounded. Secondly, on the basis of an empirical investigation on the level of shame consciousness of college students, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the construction of shame culture of college students in the new period and the influencing factors. Finally, this paper discusses the basic guiding ideology and the relationship that should be dealt with correctly in the construction of the shame culture of college students, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions and evaluation system to further strengthen the construction of the shame culture of college students. The research in this paper has important theoretical significance and practical value for strengthening the cultivation of college students' sense of shame and promoting the moral self-discipline and moral cultivation of college students.


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