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发布时间:2018-10-15 08:01
[Abstract]:At the turn of the century, the imbalance between urban and rural development in China has intensified, the "three rural issues" have become the top priority of all the work of the Party and the government, and the Central Committee has implemented the strategic principle of building a new socialist countryside. As a social force, the college students' support for agriculture has begun to pay attention to the "three rural areas" and to serve the "three rural areas" and actively participate in the construction of the new socialist countryside. As a special college student association organization, it creates different cultural contents, presents different cultural characteristics, has different cultural functions, and is influenced by different factors in the construction of community culture. Different achievements have been made in the construction of community culture, and there are also different problems in the construction of community culture. The research on these problems will be beneficial to the development and construction of the college students' supporting agriculture associations, and then to improving the quality of the participants, and to better play the various functions and functions of the college students' supporting agricultural associations. According to the dynamic definition of culture and the general theory of community culture, this paper draws lessons from the research results of the cultural construction of the general college students' association, and combines the materials collected by visiting the investigation, classifies the culture of the college students' supporting agriculture society into the rural practice culture. Learning and training culture, collective life culture, communication and cooperation culture, etc., summarized its four characteristics, analyzed its functions in the growth and development of community members, the realization of school function and social service; This paper combs the factors that affect the cultural construction of supporting agriculture associations, summarizes the achievements of four kinds of college students' cultural construction of supporting agricultural associations, including: the construction of practical culture of supporting agriculture is carried out in a rich and colorful manner; The construction of learning and training culture should be carried out in accordance with local conditions; the cultural construction of collective life should be strengthened step by step; and the culture of communication and cooperation should be carried out steadily and continuously. And then summarized the experience of these achievements. At the same time, it summarizes the problems in the cultural construction of the four kinds of supporting agricultural associations, which are: insufficient innovation and difficult upgrading of the practical culture construction of supporting agriculture, little progress in the construction of learning and training culture, poor effect, unclear goal of the cultural construction of collective life, Easy mechanization; lack of guidance in the construction of cooperation and exchange culture; easy formalization. And then summarized the causes of the problem. Finally, this paper summarizes the guiding ideology and basic principles of strengthening the cultural construction of college students' supporting agriculture associations, and puts forward some suggestions on such aspects as the community itself, the school, the government and the society.


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