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发布时间:2018-10-15 19:12
【摘要】:近年来,高校的外部环境以及制度环境发生深刻改变,我国高等教育逐步从规模发展模式转向以注重质量与结构为主的内涵式发展模式。我国高校在内部管理体制中进行了积极探索,掀起学部制改革热潮。学部制改革作为大学内部治理结构中的重要战略选择,涉及高校内部人、财、物多方面整合。目前,我国学部制改革处于初步探索阶段,学部制改革过程中面临很大挑战。针对研究型大学学部制改革的成效分析对学部制改革的进一步推进具有重要意义。 本文以权变理论和资源基础理论为基础,基于动态战略适应视角,分析研究型大学学部制改革的动态战略适应性。通过梳理国内外学部制的模式,综合国内研究型大学学部制改革现状,构建研究型大学学部制动态战略适应分析的理论框架,理顺学部制改革在内外部环境、所拥有的资源以及大学内部组织要素间的适应关系,进而提出研究型大学学部制动态战略适应机制,即在动态变化的过程中由学部制改革的环境适应、资源适应及组织适应三者构成的战略适应关系。学部制改革动态战略适应则在这种动态变化的过程中,以持续性地调整达到与学部制改革目标相一致的状态。基于研究型大学学部制改革的动态战略适应机制,以大连理工大学为案例分析对象,在环境、资源及组织三方面进行适应性分析,进而对其改革成效进行评价。通过总结学部制改革中出现的问题,提出学部制改革成效最优化建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the external environment and institutional environment of colleges and universities have undergone profound changes, and higher education in our country has gradually changed from the mode of scale development to the mode of connotative development with emphasis on quality and structure. Colleges and universities in our country have carried on the active exploration in the internal management system, set off the upsurge of the academic department system reform. As an important strategic choice in the internal governance structure of the university, the reform of the Ministry of Learning involves the integration of various aspects of the internal personnel, financial and material aspects of the university. At present, the reform of department system in our country is in the initial stage of exploration, and it faces great challenges in the process of reform. It is of great significance to analyze the effectiveness of the reform of the ministry system of research universities for the further promotion of the reform of the department system. Based on contingency theory and resource-based theory, this paper analyzes the dynamic strategic adaptability of the ministry system reform of research university from the perspective of dynamic strategic adaptation. By combing the mode of domestic and foreign department system, synthesizing the present situation of domestic research university department system reform, constructing the theoretical frame of dynamic strategic adaptation analysis of research university department system, and straightening out the internal and external environment of the reform. The resources possessed and the adaptive relationship among the internal organizational elements of the university, and then put forward the dynamic strategic adaptation mechanism of the research university department system, that is, adapting the environment of the reform of the department system in the course of the dynamic change. The strategic adaptation relationship between resource adaptation and organizational adaptation. In the course of this dynamic change, the dynamic strategic adaptation of the reform of the Ministry of Learning is in a state of consistent with the goal of the reform of the Department of Education. Based on the dynamic strategic adaptation mechanism of the reform of research university, this paper takes Dalian University of Technology as a case study object, analyzes the adaptability in three aspects of environment, resources and organization, and then evaluates the effect of reform. Through summing up the problems in the reform of the department system, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the optimization of the reform effect of the department system.


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