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发布时间:2018-10-15 19:33
【摘要】:随着高等教育大众化发展,越来越多的大学生面临就业难题,就业形势日益严峻。与大学生就业市场出现总量供大于求的现象并存的是,由于我国经济体制改革和区域经济结构、职场“经验准入”要求等市场需求因素发生变化与大学生适应这个变化所需的知识结构、专业素质、职场经验、就业观念等不匹配,出现了职位空缺与失业并存即产生大学生的结构性失业,已成为大学生失业的主要表现形式。大学生结构性失业问题是市场经济发展的负面产物,无论是对大学生本身及其家庭,还是经济社会发展都带来诸多负面影响,大学生结构性失业问题引发了全社会的普遍关注。 本文在查阅大量文献资料的基础上,以具体数据资料为支撑,以客观事实为依据,沿着发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的思路系统研究并阐释大学生结构性失业问题。旨在客观分析并找出导致大学生结构性失业的深层原因,为缓解就业压力、改善当前严峻的就业形势提供借鉴。 本文除了引言共分为四大部分,分别是: 第一部分,对大学生结构性失业的概念作出科学界定,即指伴随着我国经济体制改革与产业结构调整,大学生的知识、技能、经验、观念、所处地区等难以适应就业市场以及工作岗位的需求,而使人才供给结构与市场需求结构错位,造成失业与岗位空缺并存的矛盾现象。概念的界定为深入开展分析大学生失业问题表现,研究失业原因以及提出相关对策措施打好基础。 第二部分,,客观分析现阶段大学生结构性失业问题的表现,通过分析具体数据资料论证阐述了结构性失业是大学生失业的主要形式这一客观事实,并总结了大学生结构性失业的四种类型:知识、技能型结构性失业;就业观念型结构性失业;就业地域性结构性失业;学科差异型结构性失业。 第三部分,指出大学生结构性失业的原因在于大学生劳动力供需不平衡,并分别从劳动力供给层面和需求层面科学的、辩证的对我国现阶段大学生结构性失业的原因进行分析,以便更好地找出解决大学生结构性失业问题的措施。 第四部分,根据对大学生结构性失业原因的剖析,分别从政府、高校、大学生三个主体出发,提出了一系列解决我国大学生结构性失业问题的对策建议,为解决大学生失业问题提供依据。 大学生结构性失业问题是市场经济的必然产物,并将长期存在于未来经济社会发展过程中,正如本文所提出的,解决大学生结构性失业问题需要政府、高校、大学生等多方群体的共同努力,未来,大学生结构性失业问题更需要社会各界的共同关注。
[Abstract]:With the popularization of higher education, more and more college students are facing employment problems. Coexisting with the phenomenon of oversupply in the employment market for college students, due to the reform of our economic system and the regional economic structure, Changes in market demand factors such as workplace "experience access" requirements do not match the knowledge structure, professional quality, workplace experience, employment concept and so on that college students need to adapt to this change. The existence of job vacancies and unemployment has resulted in structural unemployment of college students, which has become the main form of unemployment of college students. The problem of college students' structural unemployment is a negative product of the development of market economy, which has brought many negative effects to the students themselves and their families, as well as to the economic and social development. The problem of structural unemployment of college students has aroused the general concern of the whole society. On the basis of consulting a lot of literature, this paper systematically studies and explains the structural unemployment problem of college students along the train of thought of finding problems, analyzing problems and solving problems, supported by concrete data and facts. The purpose of this paper is to objectively analyze and find out the deep causes of college students' structural unemployment, and to provide reference for alleviating the employment pressure and improving the severe employment situation at present. In addition to the introduction, this paper is divided into four parts: the first part, the concept of structural unemployment of college students to make a scientific definition, that is, with the economic system reform and industrial structure adjustment, the knowledge of college students, Skills, experience, ideas and regions are difficult to adapt to the employment market and job demand, but make the talent supply structure and market demand structure misplaced, resulting in the contradiction between unemployment and job vacancy. The definition of the concept lays a good foundation for the analysis of the unemployment problem of college students, the study of the causes of unemployment and the relevant countermeasures. The second part, objectively analyzes the expression of the structural unemployment of college students at the present stage, and expounds the objective fact that structural unemployment is the main form of unemployment of college students by analyzing the specific data and materials. Four types of structural unemployment of college students are summarized: knowledge, skill structural unemployment, employment concept structural unemployment, employment regional structural unemployment, discipline difference structural unemployment. The third part points out that the reason of college students' structural unemployment lies in the imbalance between supply and demand of college students' labor force, and dialectically analyzes the causes of college students' structural unemployment at the present stage of our country from the aspect of labor supply and demand. In order to better find out how to solve the problem of structural unemployment of college students. The fourth part, according to the analysis of the causes of structural unemployment of college students, respectively from the government, universities, college students three main body, put forward a series of countermeasures and suggestions to solve the problem of structural unemployment of college students in China. To provide the basis for solving the unemployment problem of college students. The structural unemployment of college students is the inevitable outcome of the market economy, and will exist in the future economic and social development process for a long time. As this paper puts forward, to solve the problem of structural unemployment of college students needs the government, universities, colleges and universities, With the joint efforts of college students and other groups, the problem of structural unemployment of college students needs the common attention of all walks of life in the future.


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