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发布时间:2018-10-16 12:55
【摘要】:独立学院是依托普通高校,具有自身组织特点和地方特色的新型大学,主要面临办学机制和人才培养模式创新的重要任务,在这个重要任务中,教学管理成为一个中心点,而教学管理是一个复杂的系统工程,是教师、学生、教管人员、教学保障人员等组成的多对象工程。对于一个这样牵扯多层次、多因素,因素之间互相影响的复杂工程,独立学院如要良好的完成此项工程就必须在教学对象、管理观念、科学管理等多个方面有其固有的特色,完全照搬普通高校的教学管理模式已不再适合,迫切需要一套完整的、科学的、有独立学院特色的教学管理评价系统。本文的主要工作如下: 1.进行了BSC和AHP的理论研究:对平衡计分卡思想的由来以及在国内外的应用实践经验进行了详细探讨,并逐步引出这种先进的管理思想完全可以应用在非盈利的公共组织上。层次分析法理论的引入对于本文在处理大量数据有着重要的意义。 2.构建了独立学院教学管理成功度评价指标体系,论述了该指标体系的构成因素以及各个因素的赋值要点。 3.构建了独立学院教学管理成功度的评价数学模型,并对数学模型的关键条件的假设、模型的求解进行了详细论述。 4.运用独立学院教学管理成功度的评价数学模型对温州大学瓯江学院教学管理工作进行了评价,进行了计算收敛性分析和对异常数据的反复处理,验证了模型的准确度及可行性。 本文所采用的评价体系和数学模型能够为独立学院开展教学管理评价提供初步的科学依据,其成功度的预测结果可为独立学院在教学管理工作中政策制定指明方向。
[Abstract]:Independent college is a new type of university with its own organizational characteristics and local characteristics. It is faced with the important task of innovating the mechanism of running a school and the mode of talent training. In this important task, teaching management becomes a central point. Teaching management is a complex system engineering, which is a multi-object project composed of teachers, students, teaching administrators and teaching security personnel. For such a complex project, which involves multiple levels, factors and factors, if the independent college is to complete the project well, it must have its own characteristics in many aspects, such as teaching objects, management concepts, scientific management, etc. It is no longer suitable to completely copy the teaching management mode of ordinary colleges and universities. It is urgent to have a complete, scientific and independent college characteristic teaching management evaluation system. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. The theoretical research of BSC and AHP is carried out: the origin of balanced Scorecard and its practical experience at home and abroad are discussed in detail, and the advanced management thought can be applied to non-profit public organizations. The introduction of Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) theory is of great significance in dealing with a large number of data in this paper. 2. This paper constructs the evaluation index system of teaching management success in independent college, and discusses the constituent factors of the index system and the evaluation points of each factor. 3. This paper constructs a mathematical model for evaluating the degree of success of teaching management in independent colleges, and discusses in detail the assumption of the key conditions of the mathematical model and the solution of the model. 4. This paper evaluates the teaching management work of Oujiang University of Wenzhou University by using the evaluation mathematical model of the degree of success of teaching management in independent colleges, analyzes the convergence of calculation and the repeated processing of abnormal data, and verifies the accuracy and feasibility of the model. The evaluation system and mathematical model adopted in this paper can provide a preliminary scientific basis for the evaluation of teaching management in independent colleges, and the prediction results of its success can point out the direction of policy making in the teaching management work of independent colleges.


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