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发布时间:2018-10-16 20:18
[Abstract]:China has recently launched the reform of transforming newly established local undergraduate universities into universities of applied science, and has actively learned from international experience in the process. By comparing and analyzing the models of several major skill training systems in the world, it is concluded that the Finnish model may be the most enlightening for China. Through literature review and expert discussion, this paper sums up the challenges faced by local colleges and universities in China, and with these challenges as the starting point, introduces the legal status, governance structure, funds, cooperation between schools and enterprises, and system openness of the Finnish University of Applied Science. Best practice experience in curriculum, teacher development, etc. On this basis, the author puts forward some suggestions on the transition from the new universities to the universities of applied science in China.
【作者单位】: 北京大学;国家教育行政学院;坦佩雷大学;


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