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发布时间:2018-10-17 15:24
【摘要】:近年来,随着我国高等教育的不断发展壮大,高校规模日益扩大,其承担的功能与任务与日增多,面临的问题与挑战也日新月异,优化高校内部管理体制以应对挑战是高等教育发展的必由之路,因此国内不少高校纷纷开展了大学学部制改革。目前,学部制改革在我国尚处于探索与尝试阶段,在改革的过程中难免遇到问题与困难,因此本文对大学学部制改革过程中遇到的问题与困难进行分析研究,并结合实际情况提出对学部制改革的建议,有利于更加深入地理解、推行和完善我国大学学部制的改革。 本研究总共分为五个部分。第一部分为绪论。主要介绍论文的选题背景与意义、国内外的研究现状、对相关概念的界定、论文的研究方法以及论文的基本框架结构。第二部分主要介绍我国高校内部管理体制的改革历程、我国学部制的改革近况。第三部分结合高校实施改革的实际情况以及学部制改革的实质,提出高校希望通过学部制改革达到的目标;以学部制改革应达到的预期目标为基本出发点,结合各高校的改革实情,分析得出目前高校进行学部制改革进程中遇到的问题与困难。第四部分:根据第三部分提出的高校进行学部制改革进程中遇到的问题与困难,结合改革的实质与期望达到的目标,提出解决这些问题的建议。第五部分是总结部分。主要对本研究的成果进行总结,提出本论文的不足之处,为以后的研究指明方向。其中,第三、四部分是本研究的重点所在。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous development and expansion of higher education in China, the scale of higher education is expanding day by day, and its functions and tasks are increasing, and the problems and challenges it faces are also changing with each passing day. It is the only way for the development of higher education to optimize the internal management system to meet the challenge, so many colleges and universities in China have carried out the reform of the ministry system of university science one after another. At present, the reform of the Ministry of Learning is still in the stage of exploration and trial in our country, and it is inevitable to meet problems and difficulties in the course of the reform. Therefore, this paper analyzes and studies the problems and difficulties encountered in the process of the reform of the Ministry of University Studies. According to the actual situation, the author puts forward some suggestions on the reform of the academic department system, which is conducive to a deeper understanding, implementation and improvement of the reform of the department system of university studies in China. This study is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction. This paper mainly introduces the background and significance of the thesis, the current research situation at home and abroad, the definition of related concepts, the research methods and the basic framework of the paper. The second part mainly introduces the reform course of the internal management system in colleges and universities, and the recent situation of the reform of the department system in our country. The third part combines the actual situation of implementing the reform in colleges and universities and the essence of the reform of the department system, and puts forward the goal that the university hopes to achieve through the reform of the department system, and takes the expected goal of the reform of the department system as the basic starting point. According to the actual situation of the reform of colleges and universities, the problems and difficulties encountered in the process of the reform of the department system in colleges and universities are analyzed. The fourth part: according to the problems and difficulties in the course of the reform of the university department system proposed in the third part, combined with the essence of the reform and the goals expected to be achieved, the author puts forward some suggestions to solve these problems. The fifth part is the summary part. This paper summarizes the results of this study, points out the shortcomings of this paper, and points out the direction for future research. Among them, the third part, the fourth part is the focal point of this research.


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