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发布时间:2018-10-19 06:50
【摘要】:内涵发展视野下的高校师德建设,是高校践行科学发展观的必然要求,也是提高高等教育质量、实现可持续发展的必要选择。随着社会转型的不断深化,我国高校师德建设的内外部环境也发生较大变化,各类师德失范的现象不断涌现。频发的师德失范现象已衍化为一个较为严重的社会问题,引起了相关政府部门、高校和社会的高度关注,很多学者也就高校师德建设展开了越来越多的研究,从已有研究看还存在着诸多不足,因此,对内涵发展视野下的高校师德建设研究,具有极其重要的理论和现实意义。本文以“内涵发展”视角出发,在对高校师德建设研究现状予以分析和评价的基础上,提出了内涵发展视野下,创新高校师德建设途径,建立以质量和效益为核心的符合高校内涵发展的高校师德建设途径。全文共分为四个章节: 第1章,概括性介绍了本文的研究背景、目的和意义,国内外研究现状,研究的理论依据与研究方法、研究思路等,最后点出本论文的创新之处,指出本论文的研究价值所在。 第2章,对“内涵发展和高校内涵发展”和“高校教师师德和高校师德建设”等概念进行了界定,揭示了内涵发展赋予高校师德建设的的意义,指出完善师德建设是高校内涵发展的必然要求。 第3章,介绍了当前我国高校师德建设的现状,分析了当前高校师德建设取得的成就及当前高校师德存在的主要问题,从爱国守法意识淡薄、敬业爱生精神淡漠、教书育人观念淡化、科学研究学术不端、服务社会意识不强、为人师表形象欠佳等六个方面做了详尽的分析,并总结了这些问题产生的根本原因,即政策导向因素、社会环境因素、学校管理因素、教师自身因素等。 第4章,是本文的核心和重点,提出了内涵发展视野下如何加强高校师德建设的种种建议,主要从树立以质量和效益为核心的高校内涵发展理念,完善质量效益型的高校师德建设政策规范、构建质量效益型的高校师德建设长效管理机制、营造质量效益型的’高校师德建设环境氛围、注重高校教师自身主动加强师德修养等四个方面提出了加强高校师德建设的对策。
[Abstract]:The construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities from the perspective of connotation development is an inevitable requirement for colleges and universities to practice the scientific concept of development, and is also a necessary choice for improving the quality of higher education and realizing sustainable development. With the deepening of social transformation, the internal and external environment of the construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities in China has also changed greatly. The phenomenon of frequent teachers' moral anomie has evolved into a relatively serious social problem, which has aroused great concern from relevant government departments, universities and the society. Many scholars have also carried out more and more research on the construction of college teachers' ethics. There are still many deficiencies from the existing research. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities from the perspective of connotation development. From the perspective of "intension development", this paper, based on the analysis and evaluation of the present situation of the research on the construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities, puts forward the ways of innovating the construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities from the perspective of connotation development. To establish the way of college teachers' moral construction with quality and benefit as the core and accord with the development of the connotation of colleges and universities. The full text is divided into four chapters: chapter 1, the research background, purpose and significance, domestic and foreign research status, theoretical basis and research methods, research ideas, etc. Finally, the innovation of this paper is pointed out, and the research value of this paper is pointed out. The second chapter defines the concepts of "connotation development and university connotation development" and "college teachers' ethics and college teachers' moral construction", and reveals the significance of connotation development to college teachers' moral construction. It is pointed out that perfecting the construction of teachers' ethics is an inevitable requirement for the development of the connotation of colleges and universities. The third chapter introduces the current situation of teachers' moral construction in colleges and universities in our country, analyzes the achievements made in the construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities and the main problems existing in the construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities at present, from the weak sense of patriotism and law-abiding, the spirit of devotion and love for students is indifferent. This paper makes a detailed analysis in six aspects, such as the desalination of the concept of teaching and education, the academic misconduct of scientific research, the weak consciousness of serving the society, and the poor image of teachers, and summarizes the root causes of these problems, that is, the policy-oriented factors. Social environment factor, school management factor, teacher oneself factor and so on. Chapter 4 is the core and focus of this paper, and puts forward various suggestions on how to strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities from the perspective of connotation development, mainly from setting up the concept of connotation development of colleges and universities with quality and benefit as the core. Improve the quality and efficiency of college teachers' moral construction policy norms, construct the quality and efficiency of college teachers' moral construction long-term management mechanism, create the quality and efficiency of the 'college ethics construction environment, " This paper puts forward the countermeasures to strengthen the construction of teachers' morality in colleges and universities.


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