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发布时间:2018-10-19 07:19
【摘要】:随着全球化趋势的快速发展和社会转型的需求,高校人才培养模式也在发生着重大的变化。拓宽学生知识面,培养良好的创造能力和参与探究能力成为世界高等教育专业设置、课程计划的发展趋势和人才培养模式的主要任务,其改革的基本趋势就是突出通识教育的重要性。通识教育旨在帮助学生掌握广泛的生存技能和可转换的分析技巧,培养高素质公民,为国家建设提供主力军。当今时代通识教育越来越受到各国政府和高等教育界的重视。 发展中国家的通识教育能否独立发展并惠及更多的学生,这是一个重要的问题。目前,国内对高校通识教育的研究仍多以美国、日本、中国港台等发达国家或地区为对象,较少关注发展中国家高校通识教育的发展,特别对非洲高校的通识教育研究少有人涉足。本文以非洲发展最成功的国家之一——博茨瓦纳为例,深入研究该国唯一综合公立型大学——博茨瓦纳大学通识教育的现状、特点与问题,以期获得对非洲国家高校通识教育的深入了解,同时为我国高校通识教育实践提供一个有益的外部视角并获得一些有益的思考。 本论文包括六大部分。 绪论主要包括本研究的缘起、概念、目的、内容、方法、意义以及对国内外相关研究的综述。 正文第一部分主要梳理博茨瓦纳大学通识教育的发展历程。从建校初期功利主义思潮下通识教育尚未起步到通识教育在课程主辅修制的发展中孕育,继而经历了2002年本科教育改革后通识教育的发展三个阶段。其次,从国际、国家、院校和个人发展四个层面阐述21世纪以来博茨瓦纳大学通识教育发展的时代背景。全球化趋势的迅猛发展,国家社会和文化发展对通识教育的诉求,高教系统附属院校模式的重要角色发挥以及实现个人全面发展的目标都不同程度地推动了新世纪博茨瓦纳大学通识教育的发展。 第二到四部分阐述博茨瓦纳大学通识教育的发展现状,课程层面博茨瓦纳大学已经形成较为完整鲜明的七大课程领域,模块化的课程体系、能力导向的课程规划,多样化的课程类型,特色的隐性课程开发以及艾滋病防治教育。此外,通识必修课程师资安排集中化而选修课程的师资呈现分散化。管理层面博茨瓦纳大学的学术自治在通识教育发展中起着主导作用,政府和高教委主要通过政策引导间接影响其发展。 第五部分探讨博茨瓦纳大学通识教育发展面临的挑战和问题。由于博茨瓦纳大学缺乏对通识教育的内化理解而盲目移植他国模式,再加上国内功利主义思潮盛行和课程开发忽视本土人文元素等多方面原因,通识教育的发展没有内化为本土模式,并呈现出后天发展的不成熟性和不完整性,面临着许多问题和挑战,如,通识目标的设定忽视对民族意识的培养和人类普世价值的传播,师生理念与行为失衡发展;课程结构相对失衡,课程模块化分割不明确,课程内容重叠和简单;通识性人文课程本土指向性的缺失以及科系本位主义严重;管理层面国家意志和政府引导力的缺失以及高教附属院校模式存在制约性;博茨瓦纳大学通识教育的全国示范作用还尚未在其附属高校内得到发挥,通识教育专责机构的职能不到位。 第六部分通过反思博茨瓦纳大学通识教育现状特点和问题提出几点启示和思考。对于广大发展中国家来说,全球化背景下通识教育改革要从被动适应走向主动驾驭,将完善通识课程的设置作为实现通识教育目标的基本要素,立足于本国文化的传承以及本国经济和社会发展的客观要求。在全球化与本土化的交锋与博弈下,发展中国家高校通识教育的发展还面临着很多问题。从价值取向和民族文化侵润、本土课程开发到通识教育的良性管理与评估,都还需要经历改革和转型。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the trend of globalization and the demand of social transformation, the mode of talent training in colleges and universities has undergone major changes. To widen the students' knowledge level, cultivate good creative ability and participate in the inquiry ability becomes the main task of the world higher education professional setting, the course plan development trend and the talent training mode, the basic trend of its reform is to highlight the importance of education. It aims at helping students master a wide range of survival skills and convertible analytical skills, train high-quality citizens and provide the main force for national construction. Nowadays, knowledge education is becoming more and more important in governments and higher education circles. It is important for developing countries to develop and benefit more students through independent development and to benefit more students At present, there are still many researches on the knowledge education in colleges and universities in the United States, Japan, Hong Kong Taiwan and other developed countries or regions, and less attention has been paid to the development of knowledge education in colleges and universities in developing countries. This article takes one of the most successful countries in Africa _ Botswana as an example, in-depth study on the present situation, characteristics and problems of the only comprehensive public university _ Botswana college education in the country, with a view to obtaining the in-depth knowledge education for African countries At the same time, it provides a useful external visual angle for the education practice of China's colleges and universities, and has some beneficial effects Think. This paper package The introduction mainly includes the concept, concept, purpose, content, method, meaning and domestic A review of the related studies. The first part of the body deals mainly with Botswana. From the early stage of utilitarianism in the early stage of the construction school, the knowledge education has not yet started to be bred in the development of the main and auxiliary system of the course and then went through the reform of the undergraduate education in 2002 The development of communication education has three stages. Secondly, it expounds the university of Botswana since the 21st century from four aspects: international, national, university and individual development. With the rapid development of the trend of globalization, the development of globalization, the appeal of the national social and cultural development to the education of communication, the important role of the model of the affiliated institutions of the system and the goal of realizing the overall development of the individual have contributed to the new century Bates. In the second to fourth part, the development status of Tongzhi education in Botswana has been expounded, and the university of Botswana has formed a complete and distinct field of seven major courses, a modular curriculum system, and capability guidance. Curriculum planning, variety of curriculum types, distinctive features The development of sex curriculum and the education of AIDS prevention and treatment. At the management level, the academic autonomy of the University of Botswana plays a leading role in the development of knowledge and education. To indirectly influence its development through policy guidance. Part V discusses Botsva Due to the lack of internalized understanding of the knowledge education, the university blindly transplanted his country mode, combined with the prevalence of domestic utilitarianism and the neglect of local humanistic elements in the course development. The development of knowledge education has not been internalized into local models, and presents the immaturity and non-integrity of the acquired development, and faces many problems and challenges, such as the setting of the cognitive goals, the neglect of the cultivation of national consciousness and the spread of the value of human beings, and the teacher's physiology. Unbalanced development of thinking and behavior; relative imbalance of curriculum structure, unclear curriculum modularization, overlapping and simple course contents; lack of local directivity in knowledge-based humanities course and serious degree; national will and government guidance force at the management level However, the national demonstration role of Tongzhi education in Botswana has not been obtained in its affiliated universities. The functions of the Task Force on Education and Education are not in place. The sixth part is through reflection on the University of Botswana On the background of globalization, education reform should be controlled from the passive adaptation to the initiative, and the setting of the knowledge-based curriculum should be regarded as the basic element of realizing the goal of self-knowledge education, which is based on the national paper. The inheritance of the globalization and the objective requirements of the national economy and social development. Under the competition and game of globalization and localization, the development In the middle of China, the development of knowledge education in colleges and universities faces a lot of problems. From the value orientation and national culture invasion run, the local curriculum development to the knowledge education


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