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发布时间:2018-10-20 20:38
【摘要】:作为我国封建社会一种独有的教育组织机构,书院在教育史上发挥了独一无二的重要作用。不同于官学、私学等一般学校组织形式,书院是我国古代高等教育发展到一定历史阶段的产物,它同时具备了传道解惑、学术研究、聚集书籍、祭祀先贤等功能。正因如此,我国传统书院十分具有研究价值。本文运用文献调研法、实例研究法、实地考察法、比较分析法等研究方法梳理了中国传统书院的发展脉络,并对其核心价值进行了总结,借鉴现代化进程中我国几所高校的书院制实践,阐述了当代高等教育在教育教学模式、管理理念与学术精神等许多方面都可借鉴古代书院的优良传统,为我国在新时期下更好地进行人才培养与高校建设做出重要贡献。 书院在唐末五代时期兴起,历经宋元明清四代,逐步成为中国古代的学术研究基地和教育活动的主要承担者,1901年清廷将书院改为学堂,传统书院至此终结。在其千余年发展历程中,书院以其独特的个性魅力对我国古代学术发展、文化交流、人才培养等方面起到了巨大的推动作用。虽然传统书院不复存在,但其光芒不会被遮掩。近代教育家在模仿书院组织形式、践行书院教育思想方面做出各种积极的尝试。 书院的独特魅力与价值在于它在读书人以科举为唯一出路、思想被严重禁锢僵化的封建社会教育体系与环境下,建立起一种自由灵动的生活化的教育教学模式,坚持独立自主的管理理念并形成了一套完备的管理体系,其开放包容的学术精神又为它增添了有别于官学、私学的特点和魅力。 香港和内地部分高校借鉴传统书院中的积极经验,进行了一系列的尝试和探索,这些实践既有其共同之处又带有各自不同的特色,,为我们提供了在当代教育中选择性借鉴书院制的可行性证明。 我国高等教育要克服发展中暴露的弊端,汲取传统书院文化的优秀成分,首先要转变以往刻板、单一的教学模式,让学生在生活中学习,在与老师的日常交流中获得进步;其次要走独立自主、高度自治的管理之路,充分发挥学生自主管理的作用,调动各机构进行高效管理;最后还应营造良好的学术氛围,让学生在一个开放包容、交流广泛的大环境下学习。
[Abstract]:As a unique educational organization in the feudal society of our country, academies play a unique role in the history of education. Different from official and private schools, academies are the products of the development of Chinese ancient higher education to a certain historical stage. They also have the functions of missionary puzzles, academic research, gathering books and offering sacrifices to the ancestors. For this reason, the traditional academy of learning in China is of great research value. In this paper, the author combs the development of Chinese traditional academy and summarizes its core value by using the methods of literature investigation, case study, field investigation, comparative analysis and so on. Drawing lessons from the practice of academies in several colleges and universities in our country in the process of modernization, this paper expounds that modern higher education can draw lessons from the fine traditions of ancient academies in many aspects, such as educational teaching mode, management idea and academic spirit, etc. It is an important contribution to the cultivation of talents and the construction of colleges and universities in China in the new period. The academy rose in the late Tang Dynasty and the five dynasties. After the four dynasties of Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, it gradually became the main carrier of academic research base and educational activities in ancient China. In 1901, the Academy was transformed into a school by the Qing Dynasty, and the traditional Academy ended at this point. In the course of its development for more than a thousand years, Academy played a great role in promoting the ancient academic development, cultural exchange, talent training and so on with its unique personality charm. Although the traditional academy no longer exists, its light will not be obscured. Modern educationalists made various positive attempts in imitating the form of the academy and practicing the educational thought of the academy. The unique charm and value of the academy lies in the fact that it established a free and intelligent educational and teaching mode in the feudal society in which the scholars regarded the imperial examination as the only way out and the feudal society education system and environment was seriously confined. Adhering to the concept of independent management and forming a set of complete management system, its open and inclusive academic spirit has added to its characteristics and charm of being different from the official and private schools. Some colleges and universities in Hong Kong and the mainland have made a series of attempts and explorations based on the positive experience of traditional academies. These practices have their common points and have their own different characteristics. It provides us with evidence of the feasibility of using the college system for reference selectively in contemporary education. In order to overcome the defects exposed in the development of higher education in our country and absorb the excellent elements of the traditional college culture, we must first change the former stereotype and single teaching mode, so that students can learn in life and make progress in their daily communication with teachers. Secondly, we should take the road of independent and highly autonomous management, give full play to the role of students' autonomous management, and mobilize various institutions to carry out efficient management. Finally, we should also create a good academic atmosphere so that students can be open and inclusive. Learn in a wide range of environments.


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1 王素梅;朱婕;;书院制背景下教学改革模式探究[J];当代教育理论与实践;2014年12期

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1 童晶;中国书院文化展示设计研究[D];湖南师范大学;2016年

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