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发布时间:2018-10-22 16:58
【摘要】:由于各种因素的影响,我国高校逐渐成为突发事件的易发场所。这些突发事件造成高校人员与财产损害,形象受损、声誉下降等后果,甚至是灾难性的损失。目前,高校在突发事件新闻应对方面,一般以校党委宣传部作为职能部门,此外,在对于重大的突发事件,学校也会成立由校领导直接指挥的临时管理小组。 本文引入Gilpin-Ayala扩散模型,用以表述信息在传播过程中的动态变化情况,结合高校突发事件新闻应对的相关情况,建立事发后真伪信息竞争扩散的传播模型。用该理论以及传播学等相关知识,结合案例进行分析,得出国内高校现行突发事件新闻应对机制存在的弊端,即高校新闻宣传队伍缺乏足够的新闻素养,对突发事件相关信息的监测、预警、研判机制欠完备,与媒体沟通的能力不足,这三个方面的不足致使许多高校无法及时、高效做好事件新闻应对处理工作。 对此,本文建议:第一,建立健全突发事件新闻快速反应机制,即需要成立突发事件新闻宣传应对领导机构,完善突发事件新闻发布机制,做好对记者的管理及服务工作,把握正确的采访原则;第二,做好舆情监控与引导工作,对网上舆情进行实时监控,,密切关注网上动态,发挥校园媒体的独特作用,充分利用微博、微信等新型社交网络;第三,建立高校形象重塑机制,对突发事件新闻应对工作进行评估、总结,加强学校与媒体的沟通协作。
[Abstract]:Due to the influence of various factors, colleges and universities in our country have gradually become a vulnerable place for emergencies. These emergencies cause damage to university personnel and property, image damage, reputation decline, and even catastrophic losses. At present, colleges and universities generally take the propaganda department of the Party committee as the functional department in the emergency news response. In addition, in the case of major emergencies, the school will also set up a temporary management group under the direct command of the school leader. In this paper, the Gilpin-Ayala diffusion model is introduced to describe the dynamic changes of information in the process of communication, and to establish the diffusion model of the competition and diffusion of true and false information after the incident. By using the theory and related knowledge of communication and combining with the analysis of cases, this paper draws the conclusion that the existing emergency news response mechanism of domestic colleges and universities has some disadvantages, that is, the lack of sufficient journalistic literacy of the news propaganda team in colleges and universities. The monitoring, early warning and judgment mechanism of emergency information are incomplete, and the ability to communicate with the media is insufficient, which makes many colleges and universities unable to deal with the incident news timely and efficiently. In this regard, this paper suggests: first, to establish and improve the emergency news rapid response mechanism, that is, the need to set up emergency news publicity and response leadership, improve the emergency news release mechanism, do a good job in the management and service of journalists, Grasp the correct interview principles; second, do a good job in monitoring and guiding public opinion, monitor the online public opinion in real time, pay close attention to the dynamics of the network, give play to the unique role of campus media, make full use of Weibo, WeChat and other new social networks; Thirdly, we should establish the mechanism of reconstructing the image of colleges and universities, evaluate and sum up the emergency news response, and strengthen the communication and cooperation between the school and the media.


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