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发布时间:2018-10-26 21:37
【摘要】:在中国近现代高等教育发展史上,私立大学占有很重要的地位,并逐渐地受到越来越多人的关注。 本文以私立复旦大学为研究对象,主要考察其内部管理的历史沿革、模式和运行机制。以近代私立复旦大学为个案进行研究,对其内部管理进行一定程度的微观探究。具体而言就是要通过研究私立复旦大学系统性的内部管理组织架构,及其相应的制度章程,揭示其内部有效的管理机制。一方面通过比较和综合分析私立复旦学校管理中的各种纷繁杂乱的事件,从办学和管理实践的运行中寻找其发展、延续和转型的合理内核,深入细致地研究历史事件的因果联系、历史人物的精神价值;另一方面通过微观细致研究,从私立复旦大学的变革过程中揭示其所具有的时代特点,以小放大,反映近代社会方方面面的变化对私立大学的作用和影响,揭示私立大学通过内在的管理运行机制应对影响因素的变化的内在原因。 私立复旦大学的内部管理的运行是一个形成性的过程,在这个过程中,私立复旦大学的创办者和管理者通过不断的实践,确立了合理的管理模式——董事会领导下的校长负责制,其中董事会作为最高权力机关履行经费管理和重大问题决策的职能,校长作为内部管理的核心具体负责学校内部管理的各项事务。在具体实践中,内部管理机制由组织和制度两个要素构成,所涉及的内容包括经费管理、师资管理和学生管理三个主要方面。在实施内部管理过程中,私立复旦的管理者融入了对近代大学民主、高效、发展三大目标的理念追求,通过不断调整和完善内部管理运行机制,使学校的办学充满主动性和能动性,形成了健全的组织系统、稳定的师资结构和广泛的社会基础,进而形成了学校发展运行的长效机制。
[Abstract]:In the history of modern higher education in China, private universities play an important role and gradually attract more and more people's attention. In this paper, the private Fudan University as the research object, mainly to investigate its internal management history, mode and operation mechanism. Taking modern private Fudan University as a case study, this paper explores its internal management to a certain extent. Specifically, it is necessary to reveal the effective internal management mechanism of the private Fudan University by studying its systematic internal management organization structure and its corresponding regulations. On the one hand, by comparing and synthetically analyzing all kinds of complicated events in the management of private Fudan school, we can find the reasonable kernel of its development, continuity and transformation from the operation of running school and management practice. Deeply and meticulously study the causal relation of historical events and the spiritual value of historical figures; On the other hand, it reveals the characteristics of private Fudan University from the reform process of private Fudan University through microcosmic and meticulous research, so as to reflect the role and influence of all aspects of modern social changes on private universities. This paper reveals the internal reasons for private universities to cope with the changes of influencing factors through the internal management operation mechanism. The operation of the internal management of private Fudan University is a formative process in which the founders and administrators of the private Fudan University continue to practice. A reasonable management model, the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors, is established, in which the board of directors, as the highest organ of power, performs the functions of fund management and decision making on major issues. The principal, as the core of internal management, is responsible for the internal management of the school. In practice, the internal management mechanism consists of two elements, organization and system, which involve three main aspects: fund management, teacher management and student management. In the process of implementing internal management, private Fudan managers have integrated the three goals of democracy, efficiency and development of modern universities, and have constantly adjusted and improved the internal management operation mechanism. So that the school is full of initiative and initiative, forming a sound organizational system, a stable structure of teachers and a wide range of social basis, and then formed a long-term mechanism for the development and operation of the school.


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