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发布时间:2018-10-31 17:09
【摘要】:诚信是中华民族的优良传统,是一个人思想道德品质的综合体现。作为社会新生力量的精英,大学生的诚信状况对我国全民思想道德素质产生着深远影响。目前,大学生诚信状况总体积极向上,然而部分大学生的诚信缺失问题却令人担忧,这值得整个社会高度关注。因此,研究大学生诚信缺失问题,探索切实有效的诚信教育对策,对于防止大学生诚信滑坡,提高大学生整体诚信素质、推进大学生思想政治教育工作以及构建诚信友爱的社会主义和谐社会都具有深远意义。为此,本文从以下几个方面展开了研究: 首先,从理论上对中西方诚信思想进行阐述,为研究大学生诚信问题奠定了最基本的理论框架。其次,通过对中北大学部分大学生诚信状况进行调查研究,对当今大学生诚信现状进行审视,总结大学生诚信的良好表现和诚信缺失的具体表现。再次,分析诚信缺失的原因。本文认为,对大学生诚信缺失的外部因素来自社会、学校、家庭三个方面,而内因又主要包括大学生道德认知不足、价值观不稳定、从众心理、诚信知行脱节四个方面。最后,分析加强大学生诚信教育的有效对策。本文主要从营造高校诚信文化环境、健全高校诚信制度保障、加强高校诚信组织建设、发挥课堂教育的主渠道作用等多个角度提出大学生诚信教育的对策,目的是提高大学生整体诚信道德水平。 本文借鉴了国内外有关专家、学者的研究成果,研究方法建立在广泛搜索、搜集相关的论文、研究资料、新闻报道、学术著作、会议文献资料的基础上,以马克思主义哲学作为指导本课题研究的根本方法,具体采用文献法、比较法、调查法、案例剖析法等,紧紧抓住“诚信”这个中心,通过理论与实证的结合,对大学生诚信缺失及诚信教育对策展开研究。本研究始终立足于探索层面,希望本文对今后关于大学生诚信问题的相关研究具有一定的启迪。
[Abstract]:Honesty is the fine tradition of the Chinese nation and the comprehensive embodiment of a person's ideological and moral quality. As the elite of the new social forces, the integrity of college students has a profound impact on the ideological and moral quality of the whole people in China. At present, the integrity of college students is generally positive, but the lack of integrity of some college students is worrying, which deserves the attention of the whole society. Therefore, to study the problem of college students' lack of honesty and to explore practical and effective countermeasures of honesty education can prevent college students from sliding down in honesty and improve the quality of college students' integrity as a whole. It is of great significance to promote the ideological and political education of college students and to build a harmonious socialist society with good faith and fraternity. Therefore, this paper has carried on the research from the following several aspects: first, carries on the elaboration from the theory to the Chinese and the west sincerity thought, has laid the most basic theory frame for the research university student credit question. Secondly, through the investigation and research of some college students' honesty and credit situation in Central North University, this paper examines the present situation of college students' honesty and credit, and sums up the good performance of college students' honesty and the concrete performance of their lack of honesty. Thirdly, analyze the reason of lack of honesty. This paper holds that the external factors of college students' lack of honesty come from three aspects: society, school and family, while the internal causes mainly include the moral cognition of college students, the instability of values, the psychology of conformity and the disconnection of honesty and credit. Finally, the paper analyzes the effective countermeasures to strengthen the honesty education of college students. This paper puts forward the countermeasures of college students' honesty education from many angles, such as constructing the culture environment of honesty and credit in colleges and universities, perfecting the guarantee of honesty system in colleges and universities, strengthening the construction of honesty organizations in colleges and universities, giving play to the main role of classroom education, and so on. The purpose is to improve the integrity and moral level of college students as a whole. The research method is based on extensive searching, collecting related papers, research materials, news reports, academic works and conference documents. Taking Marxist philosophy as the basic method to guide the research of this subject, adopting the literature method, the comparative method, the investigation method, the case analysis method and so on, the author firmly grasps the center of "honesty and credit", and through the combination of theory and practice, This paper studies the lack of honesty and credit education of college students. This study has always been based on the level of exploration, hoping that this paper has some enlightenment for the future research on the integrity of college students.


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1 董雪梅;刘玉玮;;高校学生诚信档案工作运行模式探析[J];档案学通讯;2010年04期

2 崔红丽;;新时期高职院校师德建设刍议[J];黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估);2011年05期

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1 刘巧闲;E时代大学生诚信教育研究[D];西安科技大学;2011年

2 陈昕;大学生诚信教育研究[D];东北师范大学;2006年

3 苟朝莉;大学生诚信教育研究[D];西南大学;2006年

4 杨萱;研究生诚信教育问题及对策研究[D];东北林业大学;2007年

5 商晓梅;大学生诚信危机的现状及对策探讨[D];河北师范大学;2007年

6 孙昱;当代大学生诚信教育研究[D];内蒙古师范大学;2010年




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