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发布时间:2018-11-01 15:07
【摘要】:近年来,随着基础教育改革不断深化,中学课程发生了深刻的变化,教师成为改革成功能否成功的关键。因而,对师范生的教师职业能力培养便成为一项重要课题。2007年秋季,部属师范院校开始实施师范生免费教育政策,免费师范生作为一个特殊群体吸引了不少眼球,人们最关注的是免费师范生能否顺应教育的发展,实现国家实施师范生免费教育的目标,成为基础教育改革中的优秀教师及未来教育家。免费师范生教师职业能力培养的研究正是在这样的背景下展开的。 本论文研究共分四个部分: 第一部分,论文研究的背景、现状及目的。在课程教育改革、教师教育改革和师范生免费教育的大背景下开展本论文研究。通过收集文献资料,了解研究现状,利用前人取得的研究成果帮助本论文。免费师范生教师职业能力培养研究的目的主要包括三方面:一是为基础教育事业健康发展提供人力保障;二是有助于师范生掌握从事教师职业的本领;三是可以为教师教育人才培养提供反馈信息。 第二部分,本研究的理论建构。首先,对本论文研究的相关概念:免费师范生、教师职业能力、免费师范生教师职业能力、教师职业能力培养进行了界定;其次,对本论文研究的理论基础进行了阐述;最后,对免费师范生教师职业能力的构成进行了理论建构。 第三部分,本论文的研究部分。这部分是本论文研究的核心,笔者采用观察法、问卷调查法、访谈法等对免费师范生教师职业能力培养的现状展开研究。调查研究显示,免费师范生在教师口语表达规范、“三笔一画”=书写基本功、教师公文写作、教学活动组织实施、理解学生、开展德育教育活动、教育研究能力等方面存在不同程度的薄弱之处。笔者对当前免费师范生教师职业能力欠佳的原因进行思考和分析。 第四部分,加强对免费师范生教师职业能力培养的策略。基于第三部分对免费师范生教师职业能力培养现状的了解,以及针对问题产生的原因,笔者研究总结了一些免费师范生教师职业能力培养有效的方法,并对加强免费师范生教师职业能力培养提出了建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the deepening of the reform of basic education, the curriculum of middle school has undergone profound changes, and teachers have become the key to the success of the reform. Therefore, the cultivation of teachers' professional ability has become an important issue. In autumn 2007, the subordinate normal colleges began to implement the policy of free education for normal students, which attracted a lot of attention as a special group. What people pay most attention to is whether the free normal students can conform to the development of education, realize the goal of implementing the free education of normal students in our country, and become excellent teachers and future educators in the reform of basic education. It is under this background that the research on the training of teachers' professional ability of free normal school students is carried out. This thesis is divided into four parts: the first part, the background, present situation and purpose of the thesis. Under the background of curriculum education reform, teacher education reform and free education for normal students, this thesis is studied. Through the collection of literature, to understand the status of research, using previous research results to help this paper. The purpose of the research on the training of teachers' professional ability of free normal students mainly includes three aspects: one is to provide human security for the healthy development of basic education, the other is to help normal students master the ability to engage in the teaching profession. Third, it can provide feedback information for teacher education personnel training. The second part, the theoretical construction of this study. First of all, it defines the related concepts of this paper: free normal students, teachers' professional ability, free normal students' professional ability and teacher's professional ability training; secondly, it expounds the theoretical basis of this paper's research. Finally, the structure of free normal school teachers' professional ability is theoretically constructed. The third part, the research part of this paper. This part is the core of this paper, the author uses the method of observation, questionnaire, interview and so on to carry out a study on the status quo of free normal school teachers' professional ability training. The investigation and research shows that the free normal students in the teacher's oral expression standard, "three strokes and one picture" = writing basic skills, teachers' official document writing, teaching activities organization and implementation, understanding students, moral education activities, There are some weak points in educational research ability and so on. The author thinks and analyzes the reasons for the poor professional ability of the teachers of free teachers. The fourth part, strengthens to the free normal school student teacher profession ability training strategy. Based on the third part of the understanding of the status quo of free normal school teachers' professional ability training, and the causes of the problems, the author studies and summarizes some effective methods of training free teachers' professional ability. Some suggestions are put forward to strengthen the training of teachers' professional ability of free normal students.


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