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发布时间:2018-11-01 21:44
【摘要】:高校体育社团是由具有共同体育志趣的同学自愿组织的相对独立地开展活动的群众团体,是学生自我塑造、自我管理、自我服务的有效形式,是学校教育的有机组成部分,是校园文化的重要内容。如何能更好地管理和运用好社团,对社团的“引导”、“管理”和“运用”,都成为现在高校体育工作和素质教育急需解决的问题。本研究以云南省高校为研究对象,调查、整理、归纳和分析总结体育社团发展建设和规范管理的方法与途径。旨在通过研究对我国高校体育社团的健康发展提供些许有用参考。 本研究主要运用的研究方法有文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法等,主要研究结论如下: 1.云南省八所高校大学生体育社团在校团委、社联等职能部门进行登记注册,注册后大学生体育社团除少部分是口头约定外,都有成文的规章制度。权责明确是影响社团干部工作成效的主要因素,但社团成员的权利与义务没有形成有效的制度化管理,故社团的规章制度有待进一步完善。2.云南省八所高校大学生体育社团的活动内容单一,且集中在社团内训练与竞赛。社团多是每学期开展10—20次活动,频率偏低。另外活动时间安排较集中、每次活动的时间较短。场地器材和资金对社团活动的正常开展影响明显。3.互联网已成为云南省八所高校大学生体育社团信息交流的主要方式,传统的广播、电视、报纸等媒体正在失去信息传播的主导地位。即时聊天软件、博客/微博成为社团互联网交流的主要工具。合理科学的利用互联网是社团信息获取与交流的最优选择。4.云南省大学生体育社团资金来源途径主要是社团成员的会费。除学生自身外,有偿服务成为社团获得经费的新兴途径,但其占经费获得比重较低且没有持续性。当处于劣势的学生社团在与外界签订有偿服务合约的时候,会产生不同程度的合约纠纷,故在鼓励学生社团与外界交往的同时也应该加强对学生社团的法律支持。5.云南省八所高校大学生参加体育社团的动机,主要是考虑发展自身素质和成员之间的友谊。而觉得社团活动占用时间、对专业无益是学生放弃参加社团的主要因素。这就要求激励机制的制定要符合学生的基本需求。
[Abstract]:College sports association is a relatively independent mass organization organized by students with common sports interests. It is an effective form of students' self-shaping, self-management and self-service, and an organic part of school education. It is the important content of campus culture. How to better manage and use the associations and how to "guide", "manage" and "apply" have become the urgent problems of physical education and quality-oriented education in colleges and universities. This research takes Yunnan universities as the research object, investigates, arranges, summarizes and summarizes the sports association development construction and the standard management method and the way. The purpose of this study is to provide some useful reference for the healthy development of sports associations in colleges and universities in China. The main research methods used in this study are literature, investigation, mathematical statistics and so on. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. Eight college students' sports associations in Yunnan Province are registered by the League Committee and the Council of Social Affairs. After registration, the sports associations of college students have written rules and regulations except for a small number of oral agreements. The clear power and responsibility is the main factor that affects the work effect of the community cadres, but the rights and obligations of the members of the association have not formed an effective institutionalized management, so the rules and regulations of the association need to be further improved. 2. The activities of eight college students' sports associations in Yunnan Province are single and concentrated in training and competition. Community is more than 10-20 activities per semester, the frequency is low. In addition, the activity time arrangement is more concentrated, each activity time is shorter. Site equipment and funds on the normal development of community activities obvious impact. 3. The Internet has become the main way to exchange information among university students' sports associations in Yunnan Province. The traditional media, such as radio, television and newspapers, are losing their dominant position in information dissemination. Instant chat software, blog / Weibo has become the main communication community Internet tools. Rational and scientific use of the Internet is the best choice for community information acquisition and exchange. 4. The main source of funds for sports associations of college students in Yunnan Province is the membership fee. In addition to students themselves, paid service has become a new way for the community to obtain funds, but its proportion is low and it is not sustainable. When the inferior student association signs the paid service contract with the outside world, it will produce the contract dispute of different degree, so it should strengthen the legal support to the student association while encouraging the student association to communicate with the outside world. The motivation of college students in eight colleges and universities in Yunnan province to participate in sports associations is mainly to develop their own qualities and friendship among their members. The main factor that students give up participating in the association is that the occupation of time by community activities is not beneficial to their majors. This requires the establishment of incentive mechanisms to meet the basic needs of students.


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