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发布时间:2018-11-03 14:51
【摘要】:当前高校德育实施过程中面临着这样的困境:是导引道德价值取向,还是灌输道德价值理论?是选择道德价值自由,还是规制道德价值选择?是放逐道德价值观的形成,还是强调道德价值观的获取?实践证明:道德教育教学活动围绕着“情境”二字展开,它的本质特征是人的主体性活动。即,主体人积极参与现实生活情境构建,在积极参与道德情境构建过程中,从“教会顺从”的传统人向“教会选择”的现代人转变,从群体性道德意识规范向主体性道德意识规范转变。这既是道德教育本真价值的回归,也是道德教育的根本目的所在。 当代大学生面对的是一个纷繁的、复杂的、多元化的世界,多元化的世界意味着当代大学生拥有多重选择,这是一个选择的世界、选择的时代。与此同时,当代大学生又是一个矛盾的混合体。他们既充满着对外部世界的好奇心,有了较强的求知欲。但自我意志控制能力不强,对自己的认知、理解及行为选择上更多的表现为盲从、消极的态度。在这样的主观与客观环境矛盾冲突中,如何调整、优化与解决是关系到高校德育的成败,这也对于高校德育研究具有重大的理论与实践意义。主体性道德意识培育作为主体性道德教育的一项重要内容,它代表了道德教育研究的重要方向和培育现代人道德智慧的重要途径。它是对怎样提高道德教育教学效果的哲学追问,也是对道德教育教学有效方法的抽象与升华。主体性道德意识的提升有助于教育对象的道德认知能力转化为道德实践能力,以此逐步形成教育对象内心道德价值追求。
[Abstract]:In the process of implementing moral education in colleges and universities, we are faced with the following difficulties: is it guiding moral value orientation or inculcating moral value theory? Is it the freedom to choose moral value, or the regulation of moral value choice? Is it the formation of moral values of exile or the acquisition of moral values? Practice has proved that the teaching activities of moral education revolve around the word "situation", and its essential feature is the subjective activity of human beings. That is, the subject takes an active part in the construction of the real life situation, and in the process of actively participating in the construction of the moral situation, changes from the "church obedient" traditional people to the "church choice" of modern people. From the norms of group moral consciousness to the norms of subjective moral consciousness. This is not only the return of the true value of moral education, but also the fundamental purpose of moral education. What contemporary college students face is a complicated, complex and diversified world, which means that contemporary college students have many choices, which is a world of choice, an era of choice. At the same time, contemporary college students are a mixture of contradictions. They are full of curiosity about the outside world and have a strong thirst for knowledge. But the self-will control ability is not strong, to own cognition, the understanding and the behavior choice performance is blind, the negative attitude. In the conflict between subjective and objective environment, how to adjust, optimize and solve is related to the success or failure of moral education in colleges and universities, which has great theoretical and practical significance for the research of moral education in colleges and universities. As an important part of subjective moral education, the cultivation of subjective moral consciousness represents an important direction of moral education research and an important way to cultivate moral wisdom of modern people. It is a philosophical inquiry into how to improve the teaching effect of moral education, and it is also the abstraction and sublimation of effective methods of moral education teaching. The promotion of subjective moral consciousness is helpful to transform the moral cognition ability of the educational object into the moral practical ability, thus gradually forming the pursuit of the inner moral value of the educational object.


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1 林华开;;试析大学生道德主体性缺失及发展对策[J];黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报;2010年04期

2 王晓宏;主体性道德教育的基本理念构建[J];云南教育;2003年18期




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