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发布时间:2018-11-05 13:07
【摘要】:在全球化的的大背景下,研讨会形式的课堂被引进到中国的大学中。研讨会是西方社会里普遍使用的专门为大学生以及研究生设置的教学方法。在一个研讨会的课堂中,老师负责引导学生进行小组讨论,回答学生提出的一切问题。基本上,这是一种老师和学生共同作为课堂核心的教学形式,目的是使老师和学生能够充分交流思想。本题的两个研究问题分别是:1.一个高权利距离文化的研讨会是否会被改变其形式;2.权利距离对研讨会中师生的互动有怎样的影响。 作者深入到一门中国大学的研讨会中做深入调查,收集师生之间的话语作为研究材料。本题采用Hofstede(?)勺权利距离作为理论支撑框架,它为观察研讨会教学法在中国的发展提供了一个新的视角。本题的研究方法为批判性话语分析和采访,两种方法结合去分析研究问题。本题一共有五章。第一章是对于本研究的基本介绍。第二章阐释了两个在题口中提到的概念——研讨会和权力距离。第三章用批判性话语分析和采访两种研究方法分析了收集到的研讨会课堂话语。第四章呈现了研究结果和发现。第五章归纳和整合了所有的研究结论。权力距离对于研讨会教学法的干预,既有不利影响,同时也有很多优势。它已经在中国形成了自己的一种教学风格。在中国一定还有各种各样风格的研讨会,但此研究只涉及到一门研讨会的个案。末来的关于权利距离的研究可以拓宽研讨会的形式作为新的研究环境。
[Abstract]:In the context of globalization, the seminar-style classroom has been introduced into Chinese universities. Seminars are widely used in western society for college students and graduate students. In a seminar class, the teacher is responsible for leading the students through group discussions and answering any questions they ask. Basically, this is a form of teaching in which teachers and students work together as the core of the classroom, with the aim of enabling teachers and students to communicate their ideas fully. The two research questions of this topic are as follows: 1. Whether a seminar on a culture of high power distance will be changed in its form; 2. How does the right distance affect the interaction between teachers and students in the seminar? The author conducted an in-depth investigation into a seminar of Chinese universities and collected the utterances between teachers and students as research materials. Hofstede (?) As a theoretical framework, the right distance provides a new perspective for the development of the seminar teaching method in China. The research methods of this topic are critical discourse analysis and interview. There are five chapters in this topic. The first chapter is the basic introduction of this study. The second chapter explains two concepts mentioned in the topic-seminar and power distance. Chapter three analyzes the classroom discourse collected by critical discourse analysis and interview. The fourth chapter presents the findings and findings. The fifth chapter summarizes and integrates all the research conclusions. Power distance not only has negative influence on the intervention of seminar teaching method, but also has many advantages. It has formed its own teaching style in China. There must be a variety of seminars in China, but only one case study. The last research on the right distance can broaden the form of the seminar as a new research environment.


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