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发布时间:2018-11-05 16:27
【摘要】:在主客二分的德育理念以及社会本位的德育目的观照下,灌输的方法在传统的高校德育课堂上占据着主导地位,德育主体素质存在着不足与欠缺的地方,致使传统高校德育陷入困境。当前的高校德育必须处理好两个问题:一方面,将受教育者从原有的“主—客”二分的德育模式中解放出来;另一方面,避免主体性的过度张扬与发挥而出现自我中心的个人主义。主体间性既是建立在人的主体性基础之上的一种属性,又是对人的主体性的一种超越和规约,是衡量主体性发展的合理尺度。因此,主体间性是传统高校德育走出主客二元对立困境的必然选择。 主体间性生成于人的交往之中,交往是高校德育转向主体间性的基本途径和客观基础,该理念要贯穿于整个德育过程需要通过交往来实现。高校德育课堂交往的主体间性走向体现了高校德育理念的人文关怀、增强了高校德育课堂的实效性、推动了高校德育课堂面向时代的发展。根据传统高校德育课堂的困因,当前的课堂交往必须把握民主和谐性原则、启发探究性原则、自我发展性原则和双向建构性原则,从德育理念、目的、方法的更新,课堂主体素质的提升和课堂教学环境的建设入手,才能使主体间性在高校德育课堂交往中从理论走向现实。
[Abstract]:Under the moral education idea of "subject and object" and the aim of moral education of social standard, the method of indoctrination occupies the leading position in the traditional moral education classroom of colleges and universities, and the quality of the subject of moral education is deficient and deficient. The traditional moral education in colleges and universities is in trouble. The current moral education in colleges and universities must deal with two problems: on the one hand, the educatee should be liberated from the original moral education mode of "main and objective"; On the other hand, self-centered individualism should be avoided. Inter-subjectivity is not only an attribute based on human subjectivity, but also a kind of transcendence and regulation to human subjectivity, and a reasonable measure to measure the development of subjectivity. Therefore, intersubjectivity is the inevitable choice for traditional moral education to walk out of the dualistic dilemma of subject and object. Intersubjectivity is the basic way and objective foundation of moral education in colleges and universities to turn to intersubjectivity, which should be realized through communication if it is to run through the whole process of moral education. The inter-subjectivity trend of moral education classroom communication in colleges and universities embodies the humanistic concern of moral education concept in colleges and universities, enhances the effectiveness of moral education classroom in colleges and universities, and promotes the epoch-oriented development of moral education classroom in colleges and universities. According to the difficulties of the traditional moral education classroom in colleges and universities, the present classroom communication must grasp the democratic harmony principle, enlighten the inquiry principle, the self-development principle and the two-way constructivism principle, from the moral education idea, the goal, the method renewal, Only with the improvement of classroom subject quality and the construction of classroom teaching environment can inter-subjectivity move from theory to reality in the classroom communication of moral education in colleges and universities.


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