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发布时间:2018-11-05 20:46
【摘要】:随着国家对高校发展的重视,投资力度也不断加大,而且近年来高校办学规模一直扩大,所需要的仪器设备及基础服务建设等项目也越来越多。在这种情况下,设备及服务的政府采购规模也越来越大,采购项目也越来越多,与之对应的就是高校政府采购打交道的供应商数量也大量增加,政府采购中涉及到的供应商管理问题也一直不断。因此,政府采购供应商管理的规范化、制度化建设迫在眉睫。否则,不但会对政府采购任务造成不良影响,,而且也会因此影响学校正常的教学科研活动。 本文由绪论、正文、结论三部分组成。绪论部分是文章的第一章,大体上介绍了选题的背景和研究意义、国内外的研究现状;结论部分是文章的第五章,指明文章的不足,明确完善高校政府采购供应商管理制度是个与时俱进的课题;正文部分是文章的主要部分,由第二、三、四章组成。其中:第二章概括介绍政府采购及政府采购制度的理论。从政府采购的概念、特征入手,充分论证了政府采购的相关理论基础,并着重介绍我国的政府采购供应商管理状况。第三章在我国政府采购制度评述的基础上,对我国高校政府采购供应商的管理问题进行详细评析。文章介绍了高校作为一个特殊的行业实行供应商管理的问题,并以天津农学院政府采购工作中的供应商管理实践作为典型的案例,从实践中提炼出诸多具有指导意义的经验。指出了我国供应商管理才刚刚起步,虽取得一定成绩,但仍有很多不足之处,有待完善。第四章提出建立政府采购供应商的管理体系,分别从供应商政府采购活动中及供应商的一些自身因素提取管理的指标,通过专家的研究论证确定其权重,运用层次分析法建立一个总体管理的指标体系,为高校政府采购供应商管理贡献了自己的力量。
[Abstract]:With the attention of the country to the development of colleges and universities, the investment has been increasing, and in recent years, the scale of running schools has been expanding, and the need of equipment and basic services construction projects are also increasing. Under such circumstances, the scale of government procurement of equipment and services is becoming larger and larger, and the number of procurement projects is also increasing, corresponding to the large increase in the number of suppliers dealing with government procurement in colleges and universities. Government procurement involved in supplier management issues have been constantly. Therefore, it is urgent to standardize and institutionalize the management of government procurement suppliers. Otherwise, it will not only adversely affect the government procurement task, but also affect the normal teaching and research activities of the school. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction part is the first chapter of the article, which mainly introduces the background and significance of the topic, the research status at home and abroad; The conclusion part is the fifth chapter of the article, pointing out the deficiency of the article, and clearly perfecting the management system of the government procurement supplier in colleges and universities is a subject with the times; the main part is the main part of the article, which is composed of the second, third and fourth chapters. The second chapter introduces the theory of government procurement and government procurement system. Starting with the concept and characteristics of government procurement, this paper fully demonstrates the relevant theoretical basis of government procurement, and emphatically introduces the management of government procurement suppliers in China. The third chapter makes a detailed analysis on the management of government procurement suppliers in colleges and universities on the basis of the review of our government procurement system. This paper introduces the problem of implementing supplier management in colleges and universities as a special industry, and takes the practice of supplier management in government procurement of Tianjin Agricultural College as a typical case to extract many instructive experiences from the practice. This paper points out that the supplier management in our country has just started, although it has made some achievements, there are still many deficiencies, which need to be improved. In the fourth chapter, the author proposes to establish the management system of government procurement suppliers, extract the management indexes from the suppliers' government procurement activities and some of the suppliers' own factors, and determine their weights through the research and demonstration of experts. An index system of overall management is established by using AHP, which contributes to the management of government procurement suppliers in colleges and universities.


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