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发布时间:2018-11-06 20:01
【摘要】:近十年来,我国高等教育事业发展迅速,高校总体形势稳定,,但也存在不少影响校园和谐的矛盾和问题,典型表现之一就是大学生群体性事件时有发生。高校的和谐稳定是社会和谐稳定的重要基础,大学生群体性事件不仅对高校的校园安全构成威胁,也会对社会的稳定造成不同程度的影响,因此,如何有效地预防和处置大学生群体性事件成为当前高校迫在眉睫的重要任务。 为了有效地预防和处置大学生群体性事件,本文通过实证调研,探索大学生群体性事件的特征,分析其发生的原因和带来的影响,指出虽然大学生群体性事件的发生会带来若干负面影响,但它同时显示了当代大学生维权意识和民主意识的提高,宣泄了学生的不满情绪,有助于帮助他们释放自身压力,也有助于各项问题的暴露和管理者工作的及时改进。 思想政治工作在预防和处置大学生群体性事件中发挥着重要作用,而高校思想政治工作者在应对大学生群体性事件时仍然显露出多方面的不足,如信息获取滞后,处理方法落后,思想政治工作者自身应对能力不足等。因此,要通过各种途径不断加强自身队伍建设,树立科学的思想政治工作理念,改进思想政治工作内容才能有效地预防和处置大学生群体性事件。 在预防大学生群体性事件时,最重要的是要建立贴近学生思想实际的人文关怀,高校思想政治工作者要坚持热爱和关心学生,理解和尊重学生,掌握学生思想动态的第一手资料,对学生采取细致的疏通和引导,防止矛盾积聚。在处置大学生群体性事件时,要从学生利益出发,维护广大学生的根本利益是思想政治工作者处理大学生群体性事件的出发点和落脚点;积极与参与学生沟通,平等对话,及时了解他们的利益诉求,为他们创造一个良好的利益诉求渠道;在与学生沟通时,要讲究方法策略,尽快控制局面;当发生严重破坏公共秩序的犯罪行为时,要依法果断处置。
[Abstract]:In the past ten years, the cause of higher education in China has developed rapidly, and the overall situation of colleges and universities has been stable, but there are also many contradictions and problems affecting campus harmony. One of the typical manifestations is the occurrence of group events among college students from time to time. The harmony and stability of colleges and universities is the important foundation of social harmony and stability. The college students' group incidents not only pose a threat to the campus security of colleges and universities, but also affect the social stability to varying degrees. How to effectively prevent and deal with college students' mass incidents has become an urgent and important task in colleges and universities. In order to effectively prevent and deal with group incidents of college students, this paper explores the characteristics of group incidents of college students through empirical investigation, and analyzes their causes and effects. It is pointed out that although the occurrence of group events of college students will bring some negative effects, it also shows that the contemporary college students' awareness of protecting their rights and their democratic consciousness has been improved, and the students' dissatisfaction has been released, which will help them to release their own pressure. Also contribute to the exposure of problems and timely improvement of management work. Ideological and political work plays an important role in the prevention and handling of college students' mass incidents, but the ideological and political workers in colleges and universities still show many shortcomings in dealing with the college students' group incidents, such as lagging behind in obtaining information. The handling method is backward, the ideological and political worker's own coping ability is insufficient and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of our own team through various ways, to establish the scientific idea of ideological and political work and to improve the content of ideological and political work in order to effectively prevent and deal with the group incidents of college students. In order to prevent college students' mass incidents, the most important thing is to establish humanistic care close to the students' ideological reality. Ideological and political workers in colleges and universities should persist in loving and caring for students, understand and respect students. Grasp the first-hand information of students' ideological dynamics, take careful dredging and guidance to students, prevent the accumulation of contradictions. When dealing with group incidents of college students, we should proceed from the interests of students and safeguard the fundamental interests of students, which is the starting point and end point for ideological and political workers to deal with group incidents of college students. Actively communicate with participating students, have equal dialogue, understand their interest demands in time, and create a good channel for them to pursue interests, pay attention to methods and strategies when communicating with students, and control the situation as soon as possible; When serious damage to public order of criminal acts, must be dealt with according to the law.


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