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发布时间:2018-11-08 17:48
[Abstract]:Gender education in colleges and universities in China began to rise in the 1990s. After more than 20 years of efforts, many colleges and universities have carried out lectures, activities, research projects related to gender education one after another, and many colleges and universities have set up gender research organizations. Courses related to gender education have been offered, and some colleges and universities have published and published articles, textbooks and monographs on gender education. However, there is no systematic gender education in the current education system of our country, which makes the college students who have no experience in the workplace and lack the experience of marriage feel the professional orientation related to gender in the real social division of labor. Through the accumulation of family, marriage role positioning experience, trust to accept the mass media constantly conveyed gender awareness, accustomed to enjoy the cultural phenomenon in our names, All this nurtures and solidifies our gender perspective. Before we received gender education, we hardly ever thought about why it was like this, why we were so stereotyped about some gender, why we were growing up with some gender equity issues. Why "equality between men and women" is our country has been adhering to the basic national policy. As the beneficiaries of gender education, after receiving gender education, we first understand what is called physical sex and what is called gender. In dealing with gender relations and facing incidents such as gender equity, we have learned how to deal with it rationally. At the same time, we deeply feel that the development of gender education in colleges and universities is indeed conducive to the needs of the growth and development of our college students. The harmonious development of the two sexes is of great significance to the development of human civilization as a whole. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current gender education in colleges and universities, clarify the basic situation of gender education in colleges and universities, and reflect on the existing problems and causes of gender education in colleges and universities. So as to explore the direction and way of further development of gender education in colleges and universities, so that more colleges and universities can carry out gender education close to the needs of students, so that gender education in colleges and universities can really help students to form a correct gender view. So that gender research in colleges and universities can be a step up, so that more people support and participate in gender education in colleges and universities. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part: introduction. This part is the basis of the study, mainly introduces the background, purpose, significance, main concepts, literature review, etc. The second part clarifies the status quo and achievements of gender education in colleges and universities on the basis of many years' development of gender education. The third part finds out the main promoters of the development of gender education on the basis of the above two parts, the fourth part discusses the existing problems of gender education on the basis of literature collection and practical investigation, and summarizes the attribution of the problems. The fifth part is the strategy part of this paper, which is the ultimate goal of this paper, including: pay attention to the establishment of gender awareness of college students, add more gender education related courses, Strengthen the construction of gender research organizations in colleges and universities, and draw lessons from foreign countries and Taiwan.


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