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发布时间:2018-11-10 09:36
【摘要】:进入21世纪以来,高等教育领域已向高等教育大众化、人才培养全面化、科技开发尖端化、知识传播综合化方向发展。2005年,我国提出建设创新型国家的国策,实现高等教育强国迫切需要我国高校的建设和发展走创新之路,在我国,实施创新创业型大学建设,有利于为国家建设培养更多的创新创业人才。 高校的建设需要明确自身定位和发展目标,需要有相关评价指标来反映一所高校的建设状况,对于实现教育公平投入、优化教育资源配置具有重要意义。我国自2000年以来,一些国内机构和组织相继推出高校排行榜,通过相应的评价指标对我国大学排名,这些指标的推出为高校进行自我定位提供了准则和发展目标。目前国内用于大学排名的指标不完善,对不同类别的高校采用同样的指标标准,没有体现分类原则,指标设计不论学校规模大小,指标选取重数量、轻质量,对比国外,更偏向于科学研究指标,没有做到人才培养和科学研究并重,没有较全面反映大学办学与人才培养、科研水平及社会服务等内容。 我国高校类别多,由于历史发展条件不同,教育的投入不均衡,高校所处地域不同,,以及国家教育政策等因素约束,高校的发展水平和发展能力千差万别。高校的发展不应当走“千校一面”的道路,不同层次高校之间评价标准应该有所区别,高校评价指标体系应当符合高校走特色发展之路的需要。建立和完善相应的创新创业型大学的评价指标,有利于从多维角度为政府在调整与配置高校办学资源时提供参考,有利于高校厘清自身发展目标、找准办学定位,实现特色办学;也有利于提升高校的办学效率,提高高校的自身综合竞争力,实现更好地可持续发展。 本文以创新创业型大学为研究对象,在被评价主体分类、评价体系适用性、评价指标的设计等方面进行了综合比较研究,针对这类高校进行评价指标体系的初步设计。首先,从创新创业型大学的内涵出发,阐述了这类大学存在的必要性,以及建设创新创业型大学的优势和意义。其次,对我国现阶段国内高校分类情况进行了概括,描述了创新创业型大学的特点和价值,对我国目前已有的大学排行指标体系进行述评,并借鉴国外一些大学排行榜的指标进行了综合分析。再次,从创新创业型大学的职能出发,结合创新创业理论和SWOT理论,对构建创新创业型大学指标体系进行了系统分析。最后,根据创新创业型大学评价指标设立的原则和依据,在指标设计中重视投入产出因素,强化均量指标设计,以体现指标比较的公平性,初步提出由投入指标、创新人才指标、创新科技研究、产学研成果指标四个一级指标以及25个二级指标组成的创新创业型大学评价指标体系。期望能在实现优化高等教育资源公平配置方面提供参考依据,为同类研究提供相关借鉴。
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the 21st century, the field of higher education has become more and more popular, the cultivation of talents has been comprehensive, the development of science and technology has been advanced, and the direction of knowledge dissemination has been comprehensive. In 2005, China put forward the national policy of building an innovative country. The realization of a powerful country in higher education urgently needs the construction and development of colleges and universities in our country to take the road of innovation. In our country, the implementation of innovative and entrepreneurial university construction is conducive to the cultivation of more innovative and entrepreneurial talents for the construction of the country. The construction of colleges and universities needs to define their own orientation and development goals, and to have relevant evaluation indicators to reflect the construction situation of a university. It is of great significance to realize the fair input of education and optimize the allocation of educational resources. Since 2000, a number of domestic institutions and organizations have launched the ranking list of colleges and universities. Through the corresponding evaluation indicators, the introduction of these indicators provides a criterion and a development goal for colleges and universities to position themselves. At present, the index used in the ranking of universities in China is not perfect, the same index standard is adopted for different kinds of colleges and universities, and the principle of classification is not reflected. The index design, regardless of the size of the school, the selection of the index, the weight of quantity, the weight of quality, the comparison of foreign countries, It is more inclined to scientific research index, not paying equal attention to talent training and scientific research, and does not reflect the contents of university running and talent training, scientific research level and social service. There are many kinds of colleges and universities in our country. Due to the different historical development conditions, unbalanced investment in education, different regions of colleges and universities, and the constraints of national educational policies, the development level and ability of colleges and universities are very different. The development of colleges and universities should not follow the road of "one side of a thousand schools", the evaluation standards of different levels of colleges and universities should be different, and the evaluation index system of colleges and universities should meet the needs of colleges and universities to take the road of characteristic development. The establishment and perfection of corresponding evaluation indexes of innovative and entrepreneurial universities is conducive to providing a reference for the government to adjust and allocate the resources of running a university from a multidimensional perspective, and to clarify its own development objectives and to find the correct orientation of running a school. To realize the characteristic running school; It also helps to improve the efficiency of running schools, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of colleges and universities, and achieve better sustainable development. This paper makes a comprehensive comparative study on the subject classification, the applicability of evaluation system and the design of evaluation index, aiming at the preliminary design of evaluation index system for innovative entrepreneurial universities. First of all, from the connotation of innovative entrepreneurial universities, this paper expounds the necessity of the existence of such universities, as well as the advantages and significance of constructing innovative entrepreneurial universities. Secondly, this paper summarizes the classification of domestic universities at present, describes the characteristics and value of innovative entrepreneurial universities, and reviews the existing ranking index system of universities in China. And draw lessons from a number of foreign university ranking indicators for comprehensive analysis. Thirdly, starting from the function of innovative entrepreneurial universities, combining the theory of innovation entrepreneurship and SWOT theory, this paper systematically analyzes the index system of innovative entrepreneurial universities. Finally, according to the principle and basis of establishing evaluation index of innovative entrepreneurial university, we attach importance to the input-output factor in the index design, strengthen the average quantity index design, so as to reflect the fairness of the index comparison, and put forward the preliminary input index. The evaluation index system of innovative entrepreneurial universities is composed of four primary indexes and 25 secondary indexes. It is expected to provide reference for similar research on how to optimize the fair allocation of higher education resources.


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