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发布时间:2018-11-12 10:38
【摘要】:改革开放为中国社会经济、政治、文化带来了翻天覆地的变化,与此同时高校青年教师道德价值观也出现了一系列的嬗变。进入21世纪之后,我国高校青年教师承担着培养社会主义现代化建设人才的重任,而这还需要以良好的道德价值观建设作为基本前提。所以说,高校青年教师道德价值观建设能够直接影响到我国社会主义现代化建设事业的成败,甚至是整个中华民族的兴衰。因此,系统分析中国社会发展期高校青年教师道德价值观现状,总结具体发展趋势及表现特征,然后以此为基础寻找新的道德价值理念,构建一整套体现科学合理、积极向上的、具有时代精神的高校青年教师道德价值观体系,对处于向现代化发展期的中国有着重要的现实意义。 在本论文当中,重点研究了以下几个方面内容:一是深入诠释了高校青年教师道德价值观及其建设的具体内涵、意义以及影响等,,能够基于理论视角定义“高校青年教师道德价值观”、“高校青年教师道德价值观建设”等概念,探析其中的脉络关系,明确了高校青年教师道德价值观的相应特性以及具备的社会影响。研究认为,开展高校青年教师道德价值观建设具有必要性与重要性;二是对中国社会发展过程当中高校青年教师道德价值观具体现状做出了分析,论述了目前高校青年教师所正在面临着的几个时代发展特征,认为正是因为中国社会的快速发展,才导致了高校青年教师道德价值观出现了多方面的转变。同时,论文还重点总结了高校青年教师道德价值观的转变过程,提炼出高校青年教师道德价值观在转变时所体现出的一般性特质。以此为基础,论文对高校青年教师道德价值观改变的根源作了进一步分析,认为高校青年教师道德价值观改变的原因是多方面的。文章进而强调指出要科学认识发展过程中高校青年教师道德价值观的改变;三是对21世纪高校青年教师道德价值观建设问题做出了深入研究探讨,明确了道德价值观建设的指导思想,提出了几个基本原则以及核心要素,最后论述了新时期高校青年教师道德价值观建设的具体策略。
[Abstract]:Reform and opening to the outside world have brought tremendous changes to China's social economy, politics and culture. At the same time, a series of changes have taken place in the moral values of young teachers in colleges and universities. After entering the 21st century, young teachers in colleges and universities in our country are shouldering the important task of cultivating talents in socialist modernization construction, which needs to take the construction of good moral values as the basic premise. Therefore, the construction of moral values of young teachers in colleges and universities can directly affect the success or failure of China's socialist modernization, and even the rise and fall of the whole Chinese nation. Therefore, this paper systematically analyzes the present situation of the moral values of young college teachers in China during the period of social development, summarizes the specific development trend and performance characteristics, and then, based on this, seeks for new moral values and constructs a set of scientific and reasonable embodiments. The system of moral values of young college teachers with the spirit of the times is of great practical significance to China, which is in the period of modernization. In this paper, the following aspects are emphatically studied: first, it deeply interprets the specific connotation, significance and influence of the moral values and construction of young teachers in colleges and universities. It is able to define the concepts of "moral values of young college teachers" and "the construction of moral values of young teachers in colleges and universities" based on the theoretical perspective, and explore the relationship between them. This paper clarifies the corresponding characteristics and social influence of the moral values of young teachers in colleges and universities. The study holds that it is necessary and important to carry out the construction of the moral values of young teachers in colleges and universities. The second is to make an analysis of the current situation of the moral values of young college teachers in the process of social development in China, and discuss the characteristics of the development of the times that young college teachers are facing at present. They believe that it is precisely because of the rapid development of Chinese society. The moral values of young teachers in colleges and universities have changed in many aspects. At the same time, the paper also summarizes the process of the transformation of the moral values of young teachers in colleges and universities, and extracts the general characteristics of the moral values of young teachers in colleges and universities. On this basis, this paper makes a further analysis of the causes of the change in the moral values of young teachers in colleges and universities, and holds that the reasons for the changes in the moral values of young teachers in colleges and universities are various. The article also points out that it is necessary to change the moral values of young teachers in colleges and universities in the process of scientific understanding and development. Thirdly, it makes a deep research and discussion on the construction of moral values of young college teachers in the 21st century, clarifies the guiding ideology of the construction of moral values, and puts forward several basic principles and core elements. Finally, the paper discusses the concrete strategies of the construction of the moral values of the young teachers in colleges and universities in the new period.


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