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发布时间:2018-11-12 10:52
【摘要】:微博作为互联网络发展的产物,正在逐渐改变着公众的媒介使用习惯和信息传播的模式,并成为社会化媒体中最为即时、用户最活跃的平台。微博引领着自媒体时代的发展,受众不再只是信息的接收者,也变成了信息的生产者和传播者。同时,微博整合了人际传播、组织传播以及大众传播的传播模式和传播特点,将它们同时置于同一个网络平台,人们可以及时的实现多方的信息交流和资源共享,这种方式有利于个人的自我呈现和表达,也有利于微博用户的人际关系的拓展。 本文将在微博兴起和发展的大背景下,以高校学生群体作为研究对象,结合传播学的相关原理,通过问卷调查、深度访谈和个案分析等方法对高校学生微博使用情况以及微博对高校学生人际交往方面的影响进行调查,着力研究以下几个问题: 1.作为新兴传播媒介的微博,它经历了怎样的发展、具有何种特性和传播方式; 2.高校学生对微博使用的情况,其使用微博动机和方式有哪些; 3.微博的使用如何对人际关系产生影响,在哪些方面,多大程度的产生影响; 笔者将微博使用对高校学生人际交往的影响分析分为微博使用对高校学生广度上的影响和微博使用对高校学生深度上的影响两个方面。依据深度和广度这两方面影响的相关内容,笔者提出了14个假设。通过对问卷一系列的分析,笔者逐一验证了这14个假设。得到的结论如下: 1.微博使用的时间越长、频率越高越有利于高校学生强化以有的人际关系,但是对于高校学生拓展新的人际关系作用不明显; 2.微博的使用的时间越长、频率越高越有利于高校学生信息的获取,但是对于高校学生社会参与的影响有限; 3.微博的使用的时间越长、频率越高越会强化高校学生的自我呈现和对他的评价,但并不能强化高校学生的自我认识以及自我行为的调整;
[Abstract]:Weibo, as the product of the development of Internet, is gradually changing the media usage habits and the mode of information dissemination of the public, and has become the most immediate and active platform in social media. Weibo is leading the development of the media era, the audience is not only the receiver of information, but also the producer and disseminator of information. At the same time, Weibo integrates the communication modes and characteristics of interpersonal communication, organizational communication and mass communication, and puts them on the same network platform at the same time, so that people can realize multi-party information exchange and resource sharing in a timely manner. This way is conducive to personal self-presentation and expression, but also conducive to the expansion of Weibo user relationships. Under the background of Weibo's rise and development, this paper will take the college student group as the research object, combine the relative principle of communication science, pass the questionnaire survey, The methods of in-depth interview and case analysis were used to investigate the use of Weibo and the impact of Weibo on the interpersonal communication of college students. The following problems were studied: 1. Weibo, as a new medium of communication, has experienced what kind of development, what kind of characteristics and communication mode; 2. What are the college students' use of Weibo, and what are their motivations and ways of using Weibo; 3. How does Weibo's use affect interpersonal relationships, in what ways and to what extent; The author analyzes the influence of Weibo's use on college students' interpersonal communication from two aspects: the influence of Weibo's use on college students' breadth and the influence of Weibo's use on college students' depth. According to the related contents of depth and breadth, the author puts forward 14 hypotheses. Through the analysis of a series of questionnaires, the author verifies the 14 hypotheses one by one. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The longer Weibo is used, the higher the frequency is, which is conducive to the strengthening of some interpersonal relationships among college students, but it is not obvious to college students in developing new interpersonal relationships; 2. The longer Weibo is used, the higher the frequency is, but the influence on college students' social participation is limited. 3. The longer Weibo is used, the higher the frequency will be, which will strengthen the self-presentation and evaluation of college students, but it cannot strengthen the self-cognition and self-behavior adjustment of college students.


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