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发布时间:2018-11-12 13:28
【摘要】:随着全球化进程的加速以及网络的发展与繁荣,人们获取知识信息的途径变得更加多元化,,文化传承似乎也脱离了原有的轨迹。一种新的文化传承模式(文化反哺)的出现,使教育从结构到形态、从内容到形式、从目的到手段,都有了新的变化,扩展了学生在教育活动中的空间,赋予了教育以新的意义,不仅为新形势下高校思想政治教育工作者顺应社会生活、继续追赶历史潮流提供了可能,同时也加重了高校学生的历史责任感,对高校思想政治教育工作产生了深刻的影响。 本课题从“文化反哺”这一出现在急速社会变迁时代的新型文化传承模式入手,分为四大部分进行论述:第一章阐述了文化反哺的理论渊源、内涵实质、分析其形成原因及描述现状、;第二章论述了文化反哺对高校思想政治教育工作的意义;第三章在对传统高校思想政治教育与文化反哺下的高校思想政治教育的对比分析基础上,指证文化反哺下高校思想政治教育颠覆了原有思想政治教育的刻板模式、消解了教师的权威;教育形式更加灵活多样,教学内容更赋有时代气息;网络教学代替部分理论课程,扩展了学生在教育活动中的空间等特征和优势;第四章揭示了文化反哺对高校思想政治教育路径的启示,并创新性地提出“四力一性三结合”,即文化反哺视角下增强高校思想政治教育课吸引力、感染力、辐射力、说服力和针对性,把传授理论知识与实践育人环节相结合,把系统教学形式与专题教育方式相结合,把解决思想问题与解决实际问题相结合以及把“教育正哺”与“教育反哺”相融合,最终走向教育互哺,达到教育的最优方式——教师与学生互相学习,互相帮助,共同提升的“融合1+1”的新型教育模式。 希望这篇“文化反哺视角下的高校思想政治教育问题研究”,能够在为这30多年的教育改革留下一份学术积累的同时,也使人们对这种尚未得到社会重视的新型的文化传承模式给予应有的关注。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of globalization and the development and prosperity of the network, people's access to knowledge and information has become more diversified, and cultural heritage seems to be out of the original track. The emergence of a new mode of cultural heritage (cultural feedback) has brought about new changes in education from structure to form, from content to form, from purpose to means, and has expanded students' space in educational activities. It not only makes it possible for the ideological and political educators in colleges and universities to adapt to the social life and continue to catch up with the historical trend under the new situation, but also increases the sense of historical responsibility of college students. It has a profound influence on the ideological and political education in colleges and universities. This subject begins with the new cultural heritage mode which appears in the era of rapid social change. It is divided into four parts: the first chapter expounds the theoretical origin, connotation and essence of cultural feedback. Analysis of the reasons for its formation and description of the current situation; The second chapter discusses the significance of cultural feedback to the ideological and political education in colleges and universities. The third chapter is based on the comparative analysis of the traditional ideological and political education in colleges and universities and the ideological and political education under the cultural feedback, pointing out that the ideological and political education in colleges and universities has overturned the stereotype of the original ideological and political education. Dispel the authority of teachers; The educational form is more flexible and diverse, and the teaching content has the atmosphere of the times, the network teaching replaces some theoretical courses, expands the students' space and advantages in the educational activities, etc. The fourth chapter reveals the enlightenment of cultural feedback to the path of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and creatively puts forward the idea of "four forces, one nature and three combinations", that is, to enhance the attraction, appeal and radiation of ideological and political education in colleges and universities from the perspective of cultural feedback. Persuasiveness and pertinence, combining the teaching of theoretical knowledge with the practice of educating people, and the combination of systematic teaching forms with thematic education, The combination of solving ideological problems and solving practical problems, and the integration of "education feeding" and "education feedback", will eventually lead to education mutual feeding, and achieve the best way of education-teachers and students learn from each other and help each other. The new educational model of "integration of 11 ~ (1)" is promoted together. It is hoped that this "study on ideological and political Education in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Cultural feedback" can leave behind an academic accumulation for these more than 30 years of educational reform. It also makes people pay due attention to the new cultural inheritance model which has not been paid attention to by the society.


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