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发布时间:2018-11-14 11:14
【摘要】:随着计算机网络技术的飞速发展,大量高校实施网络化教学模式,我国高等教育的教学实践开始大步迈向以网络为基础的新型时代——网络时代。新时代,大批的青年教师走上高校讲坛,担负起高校教学管理任务。由此,高校教师队伍的结构发生了很大的变化:青年教师在高校教师队伍中的比例占到一半以上,并将逐渐成为高校教师队伍的主体。当代青年教师自身具备较强的职业技能,也给高等学校教师队伍建设带来了新的生机和活力,同时也为我国的高等教育发展提出了新的研究课题。高校青年教师队伍整体水平、从业的态度、职业行为、教学技能以及献身高等教育的信念等必然影响到我国高等教育的整体发展水平与发展方向。从青年教师总体来看,学历层次比较高,知识结构比较新,他们为高速发展的中国高等教育事业带来了生机和活力,他们中的大多数人师德状况良好,在各自的岗位上为我国高等教育事业的发展贡献着自己的聪明与才智。但从另一方面看,他们中的少部分人在师德方面存在着一定的问题,因此,认真分析网络时代高校青年教师职业道德现状,加强高校青年教师职业道德教育,成为高校加强青年教师队伍建设的当务之急。 本文综合应用文献分析法、问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法,以网络时代的基础特征和教师职业道德为理论基础,分析高校教师队伍及高校青年教师队伍基本现状,全面论述网络时代高校青年教师职业道德内涵、特点及在网络时代加强高校青年教师职业道德建设对我国高等教育事业发展的重要意义,力图通过研究我国高校青年教师职业道德的现状及在网络时代出现的问题,剖析了网络时代高校青年教师职业道德现状及存在的士要问题。另外,文章又从主观和客观两个方面深入剖析了形成问题的主要原因,探讨了网络时代背景下加强高校青年教师职业道德建设的对策,并从内外因两个方面提出了切实可行的措施和方法。本论文共分五章,三部分: 第一部分:第一章绪论对相关的概念进行界定国内外相关资料进行文献综述,明确本课题的研究目的和意义,罗列出论文的基本框架。 第二部分:第二章到第三章分析了我国高校青年教师职业道德现状及其对高校青年教师队伍建设的影响,全面论述了网络时代高校青年教师职业道德的内涵、特点及其必要性。 第三部分:第四章到第五章描述地方高校青年教师职业道德现状的问卷及访谈调查结果,剖析了网络时代高校青年教师职业道德出现的问题且对其进行了成因分析。然后,从内外因两方面提出高校青年教师职业道德建设的基本架构,并提出相应的可行性对策。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of computer network technology, a large number of colleges and universities implement network teaching mode. The teaching practice of higher education in our country has begun to stride forward to a new era based on network-the network era. In the new era, a large number of young teachers go to the pulpit of colleges and universities to undertake the task of teaching management in colleges and universities. As a result, the structure of college teachers has changed greatly: the proportion of young teachers in the ranks of university teachers accounts for more than half, and will gradually become the main body of teachers in colleges and universities. Contemporary young teachers have strong vocational skills, which brings new vitality and vitality to the construction of teachers' ranks in colleges and universities, and also puts forward a new research topic for the development of higher education in our country. The overall level, attitude, professional behavior, teaching skills and devotion to higher education of young teachers in colleges and universities will inevitably affect the overall development level and development direction of higher education in China. On the whole, young teachers have a relatively high level of education and a relatively new knowledge structure. They have brought vitality and vitality to the rapidly developing higher education in China. Most of them are in a good condition of teacher ethics. In their respective posts for the development of higher education in China contribute their own intelligence and intelligence. However, on the other hand, a few of them have some problems in the aspect of teachers' ethics. Therefore, we should analyze the present situation of the professional ethics of young college teachers and strengthen the professional ethics education of young teachers in colleges and universities. It has become an urgent task for colleges and universities to strengthen the construction of young teachers. Based on the basic characteristics of the network era and teachers' professional ethics, this paper analyzes the basic status of college teachers and young teachers in colleges and universities by using the methods of literature analysis, questionnaire investigation, interview and other research methods, and based on the basic characteristics of the network era and teachers' professional ethics as the theoretical basis. This paper comprehensively discusses the connotation and characteristics of the professional ethics of young college teachers in the network age and the significance of strengthening the construction of the professional ethics of young teachers in the network age for the development of higher education in our country. By studying the present situation of the professional ethics of the young teachers in colleges and universities and the problems in the network age, this paper analyzes the present situation of the professional ethics of the young teachers of colleges and universities in the network age and the existing problems. In addition, the article analyzes the main causes of the problem from the subjective and objective aspects, and probes into the countermeasures to strengthen the construction of the professional ethics of the young teachers in colleges and universities under the background of the network age. And put forward practical measures and methods from two aspects of internal and external causes. This paper is divided into five chapters, three parts: the first part: the first chapter: the introduction defines the related concepts at home and abroad for literature review, clear the research purpose and significance of this topic, list out the basic framework of the paper. The second part: from the second to the third chapter, the author analyzes the present situation of the professional ethics of the young teachers in colleges and universities and its influence on the construction of the young teachers, and discusses the connotation, characteristics and necessity of the professional ethics of the young teachers of colleges and universities in the network era. The third part: the fourth to fifth chapters describe the status of local college young teachers' professional ethics questionnaire and interview results, analyzes the network era of young college teachers' professional ethics problems and analyzes the causes of their causes. Then, the author puts forward the basic structure of the professional ethics construction of college young teachers from internal and external reasons, and puts forward the corresponding feasible countermeasures.


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