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发布时间:2018-11-16 07:32
【摘要】:自1981年高等教育自学考试制度诞生及1999年政府提出高等教育扩招政策以来,中国的民办高等教育己如雨后春笋般发展起来。民办高校的产生与发展打破了自1952年以来单纯由公办高校一统天下的局面,为中国高等教育事业的发展注入了新的活力。当然,民办高等教育在快速发展的同时,教育管理面临着许多新的问题,问题之一便是政府对民办高等教育管理未到位,其管理机制不够完善。 我国台湾地区私立高等教育发展到现今已多达60年历史,私立院校发展体系较为全面、成熟,已成为台湾高等教育普及化的主导。台湾与大陆具有相同的文化根源及教育传统,台湾私立高等教育与大陆民办高等教育的管理发展具有较多的相似性和相通性,所以,研究台湾私立高等教育的管理经验可供大陆学习、借鉴。 比较台湾地区政府与中央政府对私立(民办)高等教育的管理,发现两者之间存在相似与差异。台湾(私立)与大陆(民办)高等教育出现的时间大致相同,但海峡两岸因实行不同的政治经济制度,政府对私立(民办)高等教育的理解、态度及具体管理政策存在较大差异;台湾地区与大陆都制定相关教育法律法规以保障私立(民办)高等教育发展,但在法律法规的立法权限、操作性及实施效用方面差异较大;两岸都通过财政资助与税收管理支持私立(民办)高等教育发展,但就资助历史、资助力度、资助制度化及税收优惠政策的务实性等方面,台湾取得的成效与经验值得大陆深思、借鉴。 由于大陆民办高等教育管理发展存在自身独特性,切忌盲目照搬台湾的经验,政府的相关管理政策应符合大陆的实际情况。针对当前大陆民办高等教育管理面临的困境与台湾地区私立高等教育发展可供参照的相关管理经验,大陆民办高等教育管理机制的完善应充分利用政府公共管理职能,不断改革创新政府新管理模式,以促进大陆民办高等教育健康持续发展。
[Abstract]:Since the birth of higher education self-study examination system in 1981 and the policy of higher education enrollment expansion proposed by the government in 1999, private higher education in China has been developing like bamboo shoots. The emergence and development of private colleges and universities have broken the situation that public colleges and universities have dominated the world since 1952, and injected new vitality into the development of higher education in China. Of course, with the rapid development of private higher education, educational management is faced with many new problems. One of the problems is that the government has failed to manage private higher education, and its management mechanism is not perfect enough. The development of private higher education in Taiwan area has been up to 60 years, and the development system of private colleges and universities is more comprehensive and mature, which has become the dominant factor in the popularization of higher education in Taiwan. Taiwan and the mainland share the same cultural roots and educational traditions, and the management and development of private higher education in Taiwan and private higher education in the mainland have more similarities and similarities, so, To study the management experience of private higher education in Taiwan can be used as a reference for the mainland. By comparing the management of private (private) higher education between the government of Taiwan and the central government, it is found that there are similarities and differences between them. Taiwan (private) and mainland (private) higher education appeared at roughly the same time, but because of the different political and economic systems on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the government's understanding of private (private) higher education, There are great differences in attitude and specific management policies; Both Taiwan and the mainland make relevant educational laws and regulations to ensure the development of private (private) higher education, but there are great differences in the legislative authority, operability and implementation utility of laws and regulations. Both sides of the strait support the development of private (private) higher education through financial assistance and tax management. However, in terms of the history of financial assistance, the intensity of financial assistance, the institutionalization of financial assistance and the practicality of preferential tax policies, etc. Taiwan's achievements and experiences are worthy of the mainland's reflection and reference. Because of its own uniqueness in the management development of private higher education in mainland China, we should not blindly copy the experience of Taiwan, and the relevant management policies of the government should be in line with the actual situation in mainland China. In view of the difficulties faced by the management of private higher education in mainland China and the relevant management experience in the development of private higher education in Taiwan, the improvement of the management mechanism of private higher education in mainland China should make full use of the functions of government public administration. To continuously reform and innovate the new government management mode in order to promote the healthy and sustainable development of private higher education in mainland China.


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9 杨翠明;;民办高等教育:规范管理刻不容缓[J];陕西教育(高教版);2008年03期

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2 游清泉;;面向21世纪的中国民办高等教育[A];中国民办教育大典[C];2010年

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7 杨文汉;;以“三个代表”为思想武器 实现民办高等教育的可持续发展[A];中国民办教育家优秀论文集[C];2006年

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9 杨文汉;;以“三个代表”为思想武器 实现民办高等教育的可持续发展[A];中国民办教育大典[C];2010年

10 ;联合开展年检工作 促进民办高等教育健康发展[A];全省先进社会组织表彰暨经验交流会材料汇编[C];2008年

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5 赵彤;大力发展民办高等教育[N];人民政协报;2006年

6 本报通讯员 张正君 王勇 本报记者 陈晓春;校牌写在纤维板上的民办大学[N];新华日报;2008年

7 民盟重庆市委员会;努力把民办高等教育培育成我市高教资源的重要增长极[N];重庆日报;2009年

8 刘素云;民办高等教育的历史使命[N];人民政协报;2003年

9 北京市政协委员 吴大真;加强对民办高等教育的引导和管理[N];人民政协报;2000年

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