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发布时间:2018-11-15 17:06
【摘要】:我国高校辅导员制度已历经半个多世纪的风雨历程,为我国社会主义事业培养了一批又一批合格的建设者和接班人,发挥着对大学生思想政治教育的骨干作用,成为当今高校教育不可或缺的重要力量。但随着我国社会主义现代化建设的不断深入和发展,给当代大学生学习、生活、教育等多方面带来深刻影响,也对辅导员角色扮演提出了更高要求。辅导员以往角色扮演已不能很好适应新的时代要求,必须与时俱进拓展新的角色领域,并加以合理定位。本文在对国内外高校辅导员队伍建设的文献和理论进行细致研究的基础上,通过发放问卷和个别访谈等形式对在职辅导员深入调查,剖析当前辅导员角色定位现状和存在的问题,找出深层原因,进而提出辅导员专业化视角下的角色定位对策。 文章分为以下几部分: 第一部分为文章绪论,主要包括选题的起源与意义、国内外研究现状、研究的内容及方法等。 第二部分为文章的第二、三章,是论文的主体部分之一。从高校辅导员角色概念入手,结合辅导员角色的嬗变历程和国家相关文件要求,分析出新时期辅导员应当扮演好的角色,主要包括学生思想政治教育的引导者、学习和生活的管理者与服务者、身心健康发展的疏导者、职业规划和就业的指导者、校园和谐建设的助推者。在辅导员角色合理定位基础上反观现实,结合笔者调查和访谈资料,找出目前辅导员在实际工作中角色担当面临的问题,包括角色定位不清、角色冲突及其产生的不良影响。最后,通过问题和现实诉求,分析导致辅导员在工作和发展中角色扮演出现瓶颈的原因,包括影响角色定位的社会、制度和个人等原因。 第三部分为文章第四章,是论文主体部分之一,也是论文的结论部分。主要是针对辅导员角色扮演出现的问题提出解决对策和建议。其中包括以辅导员专业化为方向、目标和标尺,来加强辅导员角色的内外部调适和汲取国外先进办学经验,实现辅导员角色的合理定位。
[Abstract]:The college counselor system in our country has gone through more than half a century of wind and rain. It has trained a number of qualified constructors and successors for the cause of socialism in our country, and has played a key role in the ideological and political education of college students. It has become an indispensable and important force in the education of colleges and universities. However, with the deepening and development of socialist modernization construction in our country, it has brought profound influence on the study, life and education of contemporary college students, and has also put forward higher requirements for the role playing of counselors. The role playing of counselors in the past can not adapt to the requirements of the new era, so it is necessary to expand the new role field with the times and make rational positioning. Based on the detailed research on the literature and theory of college counselors' team building at home and abroad, this paper investigates the in-service counselors by issuing questionnaires and individual interviews. This paper analyzes the status quo and existing problems of the role orientation of counselors, finds out the deep reasons, and then puts forward the countermeasures of the role orientation from the perspective of counselors' specialization. The article is divided into the following parts: the first part is the introduction of the article, including the origin and significance of the topic, domestic and foreign research status, research content and methods. The second part is the second and third chapters, which is one of the main parts of the thesis. Starting with the concept of counselors' role in colleges and universities, combining with the evolution of counselors' roles and the requirements of relevant national documents, this paper analyzes that counselors should play a good role in the new period, mainly including the guides of students' ideological and political education. Managers and service providers of learning and life, mentors of physical and mental health, guidance of career planning and employment, and promoters of campus harmony. On the basis of the reasonable orientation of the role of counselors, this paper looks at the reality, combines the author's investigation and interview data, finds out the problems that the counselors face in the actual work, including unclear role positioning, role conflicts and their adverse effects. Finally, through the analysis of problems and practical demands, this paper analyzes the reasons that lead to the bottleneck of role playing in the work and development of counselors, including the social, institutional and personal factors that affect the role orientation. The third part is the fourth chapter, which is one of the main parts of the thesis, and also the conclusion of the paper. The main aim is to put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to solve the problems in the role-playing of counselors. It includes taking the specialization of counselors as the direction, the goal and the scale, to strengthen the internal and external adjustment of the role of counselors, to draw on the advanced experience of running schools abroad, and to realize the rational orientation of the role of the counselors.


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