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发布时间:2018-11-15 16:52
【摘要】:梁思成先生曾经说过“历史上每一个民族的文化都产生了它自己的建筑,随着这文化而兴盛衰亡,世界上现存的文化中,中华民族的文化是最古老,最长寿的,我们的建筑也同样是最古老,最长寿的。” 凡有大学存在的地方,就有文化存在。同样,历史上每一所大学的文化也都产生了它自己的建筑,大学建筑伴随着大学文化存在的始终。大学建筑作为大学文化的产物,它不仅仅是一种客观物质存在,也是一种精神存在,或者说是一种文化存在,它承载了大学历代的建筑文化、建筑师的思想,反映着大学的办学理念、精神品味,记载着大学历史发展的踪迹。典型的大学校园建筑,就像涌动的诗,流动的歌,漂浮的画,它以一种文化的形式,非强制性的教育手段,营造出的良好环境和氛围来影响、教育莘莘学子,以达到大学对学生的教育目的,更于它独特的文化氛围熏陶教化身在其中的学子园丁,以此影响教育效果。因此,对大学建筑文化的认识与重视是非常必要也是至关重要的,缺乏建筑文化意识,就会缺乏对建筑的创作激情,也会缺乏大学对教育学子所必需的文化氛围,大学建筑乃至大学的衰退是在所难免的。 本文探讨的大学建筑文化,涵盖了建筑文化的方方面面,不仅包括了大学的主体建筑(教学楼、办公楼、图书馆等)所承载的文化,也包括了大学的附属建筑(雕塑、碑刻、亭台、楼阁等)所渗透的文化。本研究首先界定了大学建筑文化的基本构成内容,探讨了大学建筑文化的主要特征——多元性特征,介绍了大学建筑文化的四种功能,,梳理了大学建筑文化在建设发展过程中存在的几点误区并提出相关的对策建议。本研究旨在弘扬大学建筑的优秀文化,提升大学具有人文素养的环境氛围,增强大学人对文化的自信心,为大学的建设发展奠定人文的环境基础。同时将大学具有悠久历史与文化特色的建筑文化继承传续,提升大学建筑文化的影响力和传播力,向人们展示大学建筑文化的恒久魅力。
[Abstract]:Mr. Liang Sicheng once said, "every nation's culture in history has produced its own architecture. With the rise and fall of this culture, among the existing cultures in the world, the culture of the Chinese nation is the oldest and the longest lived." Our buildings are also the oldest and oldest. " Where there is a university, there is a culture. In the same way, every university culture has its own architecture in history, and the university architecture has always been accompanied by the existence of university culture. As a product of university culture, university architecture is not only a kind of objective material existence, but also a kind of spiritual existence, or a kind of cultural existence. Reflect the idea of running a university, spiritual taste, record the track of the historical development of the university. A typical campus building, like a surging poem, a flowing song, a floating painting, is influenced by the good environment and atmosphere created by a kind of cultural form, non-compulsory educational means, to educate the students. In order to achieve the purpose of university education for students, but also in its unique cultural atmosphere edify the students in which the gardener, so as to affect the educational effect. Therefore, it is very necessary and important to recognize and attach importance to university architectural culture. Without architectural cultural consciousness, there will be a lack of creative passion for architecture and the necessary cultural atmosphere for college students to educate. The decline of university architecture and even university is inevitable. The university architectural culture discussed in this paper covers all aspects of architectural culture, including not only the culture carried by the main buildings of the university (teaching buildings, office buildings, libraries, etc.), but also the buildings attached to the university (sculptures, inscriptions, etc.) A culture permeated by pavilions, etc. This research first defines the basic composition of university architectural culture, probes into the main characteristics of university architectural culture-pluralistic characteristics, and introduces the four functions of university architectural culture. This paper combs several misunderstandings existing in the process of construction and development of university architecture culture and puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions. The purpose of this study is to promote the excellent culture of university architecture, to promote the environmental atmosphere of university with humanistic literacy, to enhance the self-confidence of university people to culture, and to lay the foundation of humanistic environment for the construction and development of university. At the same time, the university has a long history and cultural characteristics of architectural culture inherited and passed on, to enhance the impact of university architectural culture and transmission power, to show people the eternal charm of university architectural culture.


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