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发布时间:2018-11-16 17:31
[Abstract]:The College of Chinese Medicine of the University of Hong Kong was born in a university with western culture as the mainstream. How to insist on the characteristics of oriental culture and discipline of Chinese medicine and promote the internationalization and modernization of Chinese medicine has always been our concern. In view of how to develop Chinese medicine education in the University of Hong Kong, which is compatible with the eastern and western cultures, and to create a healthy development of Chinese medicine, take the attempt of the School of Chinese Medicine of the University of Hong Kong as an example, This paper probes into three problems: (1) the thought and practice of open and inclusive running schools accumulated by HKU for one hundred years provides the soil and new ideas for the establishment of higher Chinese medicine education; (2) the construction and development of Chinese medicine academic must adhere to the characteristics of Chinese medicine, integrate into the culture of Hong Kong University, and embrace all aspects; 3) the academic study of traditional Chinese medicine should actively go to the world, promote multicultural exchanges, and broaden the horizon. By reviewing the history of the University of Hong Kong in relation to the study of Chinese culture and combing the important issues in the course of more than 10 years of history of the College of Chinese Medicine, we have sorted out the challenges and attempts to take advantage of the opportunity to develop in the course of this process. This paper expounds the historical and humanistic environment in which the College of Chinese Medicine can be born in the University of Hong Kong, and provides a reference for the establishment of the Institute of Chinese Medicine and the development of Chinese medicine education and academic research in a westernized university.
【作者单位】: 香港大学中医药学院;


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