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发布时间:2018-11-17 09:41
【摘要】:“教育是民族振兴和社会进步的基石”。党的十八大报告把“努力办好人民满意的教育”放在改善民生和创新管理中加强社会建设的首个问题来谈,这充分体现了党中央对教育事业的高度重视,对优先发展教育的坚定决心。作为承载培养优秀师资重任的高等院校而言,就业指导工作的质量直接关系到师范类学生能否提升社会服务能力,实现充分就业;关系到高校的教育改革成果和生存发展;还关系到我国能否实现教育的均衡发展。在新的形势下,高校传统就业指导模式已远远不能满足师范类学生的根本需求,以致相当一部分师范类学生在面对择业时,求职意向模糊感到茫然无措,综合素质欠缺感到束手无策。为了帮助师范类学生成功就业,鼓励他们成为一名合格的教育工作者,高校就业指导工作应改变“内容少、时间短、方式单”的传统模式,构建全程化就业指导模式,让他们在思想素质、就业竞争力以及心理状态等方面做好充分的就业准备,从容地踏上工作岗位。 本文共分四个部分。第一章,引言部分。主要介绍研究的背景和意义,综述国内外关于高校就业指导模式的研究现状。第二章,普通高校师范类学生就业指导工作的现状分析。从调查普通高校师范类学生就业指导工作的现状,提出存在的问题并从分析其影响因素出发,说明现行的“短期促销”式就业指导模式必须进行调整和改革。第三章,师范类学生全程化就业指导模式的必要性和可行性因素。诠释了全程化就业指导的含义,从理论层面和现实角度出发就普通高校师范类学生构建全程化就业指导模式的必要性和可行性因素进行了简要的分析和阐述。第四章,师范类学生全程化就业指导模式的构建研究。在全面分析构建全程化就业指导模式的原则、阶段、内容的基础上,提出了“一主、二靠、三联、四段、五化”的构建理念。同时从提高思想认识、转变指导观念、强化指导队伍、完善辅导途径、坚持内容结合、健全评价机制等六个方面对全程化就业指导模式的组织实施提出了建议和对策。
[Abstract]:Education is the cornerstone of national rejuvenation and social progress. In the report of the 18th National Congress of the Party, we put "making great efforts to run a good education for the people's satisfaction" as the first issue in improving people's livelihood and strengthening social construction in innovative management. This fully reflects the high importance that the Party Central Committee attaches to the cause of education. A firm determination to give priority to the development of education. As an important task of training excellent teachers, the quality of employment guidance is directly related to whether normal students can improve their ability of social service and achieve full employment, as well as the achievements of educational reform and the survival and development of colleges and universities. It also concerns whether our country can realize the balanced development of education. Under the new situation, the traditional employment guidance mode in colleges and universities has been far from meeting the basic needs of normal students. As a result, quite a number of normal students feel at a loss when they are faced with a job choice. Lack of comprehensive quality feel helpless. In order to help normal students obtain employment successfully and encourage them to become a qualified educator, college employment guidance should change the traditional mode of "little content, short time, single mode", and construct the whole process employment guidance mode. Let them in the ideological quality, employment competitiveness and psychological state and other aspects of the full preparation for employment, calmly set foot on the job. This paper is divided into four parts. Chapter one, introduction. This paper mainly introduces the background and significance of the research, and summarizes the research status of employment guidance mode in colleges and universities at home and abroad. The second chapter analyzes the current situation of the employment guidance for normal students in colleges and universities. Based on the investigation of the present situation of the employment guidance for normal students in colleges and universities, this paper puts forward the existing problems and analyzes the influencing factors, and points out that the current "short-term promotion" mode of employment guidance must be adjusted and reformed. The third chapter, the necessity and feasibility of the whole process employment guidance model for normal students. This paper interprets the meaning of whole-process employment guidance, analyzes and expounds briefly the necessity and feasibility factors of constructing a full-process employment guidance model for normal college students from the angle of theory and reality. The fourth chapter, the normal school student whole process employment guidance pattern construction research. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the principles, stages and contents of the overall employment guidance model, the paper puts forward the construction concept of "one main, two rely, three, four, five". At the same time, suggestions and countermeasures are put forward from six aspects, such as improving the ideological understanding, changing the guiding concept, strengthening the guidance team, perfecting the guidance way, insisting on the combination of contents and perfecting the evaluation mechanism, and so on, and puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures for the organization and implementation of the overall employment guidance mode.


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