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发布时间:2018-11-20 15:46
[Abstract]:Teaching quality is the soul of colleges and universities. The effective application of the theory of project schedule control and coordination to the teaching management of colleges and universities is of great importance to the improvement of teaching quality. This paper takes the teaching quality improvement project of CD College as a case, takes the project schedule control and project coordination management knowledge as the guide, and takes the engineering project management standard as the criterion, studies the implementation of the applied undergraduate talent training plan. Aiming at the practical problems in teaching quality management, this paper puts forward some new ideas and measures to solve the problem of improving teaching quality in colleges and universities by project management. Hope to improve the quality of applied undergraduate personnel training play a certain role in guidance. The structure of the thesis is as follows: the first chapter introduces the background and significance of the thesis, and describes the research ideas and technical route. In the second chapter, on the basis of clarifying the related concepts, the theoretical basis of the application of project management to the improvement of teaching quality is expounded. In the third chapter, combining with the problems existing in the teaching quality management of CD college, this paper expounds the background and main measures of the project management of teaching quality in CD college, and analyses the present situation of the project management of teaching quality in CD college, including the project management system. Organization setup, function arrangement, operation mechanism, and student management and safety assurance during project operation. The fourth chapter analyzes the progress control of the CD college teaching quality improvement project, optimizes the progress plan of the project implementation stage, analyzes the dynamic monitoring of the project progress, and puts forward the internal coordination in the project coordination. On the basis of external coordination, this paper studies the solution of teaching quality management problem in CD College. The fifth chapter analyzes the coordinated management of the teaching quality improvement project in CD College, from the aspects of optimizing the learning environment, establishing the evaluation mechanism and research system, strengthening the management and improving the comprehensive quality, etc. The implementation process of the project progress control and project coordination management are evaluated, and the strategies to further improve the teaching quality project management in CD college are given.


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