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发布时间:2018-11-20 20:50
【摘要】:随着现代社会和我国教育事业的迅猛发展,包括民办艺术高校在内的高等院校面临着生存的挑战。从2008年开始,我国高考生数量逐年减少,高等教育市场从高校选择学生转变为学生选择高校,竞争格局发生根本性转变。艺术类考生由于平均每人都参加十余所艺术类院校专业考试,对艺术类院校的选择更加多样性,竞争更加激烈,民办艺术类院校面临着生存危机。本文通过对民办艺术高校行政管理队伍建设的基本理论问题进行深入探讨,综合分析学术界对民办艺术类高校管理队伍建设理论的各种观点看法,以系统分析的方法将其归纳,并紧密联系实际,针对民办艺术类高校管理队伍建设的现状,从多个角度剖析民办艺术类高校管理队伍建设工作中存在的问题,并且借鉴国外高校管理的先进经验,提出有助于提高民办艺术类高校管理队伍整体水平的对策,研究如何构建有效的管理体系,进一步简化管理机构,创新管理思路,提高民办艺术类高校管理队伍综合素质,实现民办艺术高校的有效治理与和谐发展。本文共分为五章。第一章,绪论。论述了的选题背景、研究意义、相关的文献综述和目前国内外的对于民办艺术高校行政管理队伍建设方法的研究现状,明确论文的论点“建立健全民办艺术高校行政管理体系”。第二章,民办艺术高校行政管理队伍建设概述。详细介绍了民办艺术高校的范围、特点和行政管理队伍的内涵、基本结构特点。第三章,民办艺术类高校行政管理队伍建设的现存问题及原因。分析了民办艺术高校行政管理队伍建设现存的问题以及问题存在的原因。第四章,促进民办艺术高校行政管理队伍建设的对策。主要是结合国际上发达国家民办艺术教育的成功经验,提出几点民办艺术教育行政管理队伍建设的可行性意见。第五章,结论。总结全文。The Research Of Administrative Management Team Construction Of Non-Governmental Art
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern society and education in China, colleges and universities, including private art colleges, are facing the challenge of survival. Since 2008, the number of college entrance examination students in our country has been decreasing year by year, and the market of higher education has changed from choosing college students to students choosing colleges and universities, and the competition pattern has changed fundamentally. Due to the average number of art examinees taking more than ten art colleges and universities, the choice of art colleges is more diversified and the competition is more intense. Private art colleges are facing a crisis of survival. In this paper, the author makes a thorough discussion on the basic theoretical problems of the construction of the administrative team in the private art colleges and universities, and synthetically analyzes the various viewpoints of the academic circles on the construction theory of the management team in the private art colleges and universities, and concludes them by the method of systematic analysis. In view of the present situation of the management team construction in private art colleges and universities, the problems existing in the management team construction of private art colleges and universities are analyzed from many angles, and the advanced experiences of foreign universities and colleges are used for reference. This paper puts forward some countermeasures to improve the overall level of the management team of private art colleges and universities, studies how to construct an effective management system, further simplifies the management organization, innovates the management ideas, and improves the comprehensive quality of the management team of the private art university. To realize the effective governance and harmonious development of private art colleges and universities. This paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter one, introduction. This paper discusses the background, significance, literature review and the present situation of the research on the construction methods of the administrative team in the private arts colleges and universities. Make clear the thesis's argument "establish and perfect the administrative management system of the private art university". The second chapter is an overview of the construction of the administrative team in private art colleges and universities. This paper introduces in detail the scope, characteristics, connotation and basic structural features of private art colleges and universities. The third chapter, the existing problems and reasons of the construction of private art colleges and universities. This paper analyzes the existing problems in the construction of the administrative team in private art colleges and the reasons for the problems. The fourth chapter, the promotion of private art colleges and universities administrative team construction countermeasures. Combining with the successful experience of private art education in developed countries in the world, this paper puts forward some feasible suggestions on the construction of the administrative team of private art education. Chapter V, conclusion. Summing up the full text of. The Research Of Administrative Management Team Construction Of Non-Governmental Art


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