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发布时间:2018-11-21 10:36
【摘要】:国家市场化经济开放程度越来越高,国际竞争力主要表现在人才竞争上,我国为了适应这种人才竞争加大了对高等教育的发展力度,高等教育发展迅速,各高校管理也由之前的政府统一管理转化成为自治管理。高校管理的改变要求教职工可以主动投入到自身校园建设中,通过薪酬管理使教职工认识到原有的收入分配制度均衡性已经被打破,以前“大锅饭”收入分配思想被“按劳分配,多劳多得,优劳优酬,效率优先,兼顾公平”为原则的薪酬分配制度所取代。 结合薪酬及激励理论,分析现行J学院薪酬管理,发现在薪酬管理中存在六个方面的问题,围绕这六个问题优化J学院薪酬管理。改善了学院内部岗位津贴方案,进一步加强二级学院基层管理力度;构建具有沟通反馈双向的量化绩效考核体系,体现了绩效考核最终分数合理客观,在最大程度上保证薪酬管理客观、公平、公正及激励原则,有效激励广大教职工努力工作,发挥自身潜能创造更多价值,能够在教职工间形成良好的竞争氛围,同时吸引更多学院需要的人才加入教职工队伍,为J学院建设贡献自身的力量,进一步推进J学院发展战略实现,推动J学院薪酬管理进一步深化。
[Abstract]:The national market economy is opening up more and more, and the international competitiveness is mainly reflected in the talent competition. In order to adapt to this kind of talent competition, our country has increased the development of higher education, which develops rapidly. The management of colleges and universities has also changed from the former unified government management to autonomous management. The change of university management requires the faculty to take the initiative to invest in their own campus construction. Through the salary management, the faculty can realize that the balance of the original income distribution system has been broken. In the past, the idea of "big pot rice" income distribution was replaced by the principle of "distribution according to work, more work, better pay, priority of efficiency and fairness". Based on the theory of compensation and incentive, this paper analyzes the current salary management in J College, and finds out that there are six problems in the compensation management, and optimizes the salary management of J College around these six problems. Improved the internal post allowance program, and further strengthened the grass-roots management of secondary colleges; A quantitative performance appraisal system with two-way communication and feedback is constructed, which reflects the reasonable and objective final score of performance appraisal, ensures the objective, fair, fair and encouraging principle of salary management to the maximum extent, and effectively encourages the staff and staff to work hard. Develop their potential to create more value, can form a good competitive atmosphere among the staff, and at the same time attract more college needs to join the teaching staff team, contribute to the construction of J college own strength, Further push forward J college development strategy realization, push J college salary management to deepen further.


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