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发布时间:2018-11-21 12:08
[Abstract]:Today, with the development of human economy and culture entering into globalization, the economic scale is greatly developed, but the environment continues to be serious. In recent years, there has been a long and extensive haze weather throughout the country, which is well known to all. Environment as the home of human survival, as the cradle of human development and civilization. If even the air can not breathe freely, how can people's happiness begin? However, as a new force in the future development, college students must shoulder the responsibility of managing the environment and carry out environmental moral education for college students. The concept of "beautiful China" was put forward for the first time in the report of the 18th National Congress of the Party. We can see the importance of building ecological civilization. College students should play a leading role in building a "beautiful China." Since the 21st century, under the guidance of the scientific development concept, many colleges and universities have begun to carry out environmental moral education for college students. Some colleges and universities have also achieved certain results. However, due to many reasons in the process of education, there are still many problems in the environmental moral education of college students. How to solve these problems and increase the environmental moral education of college students, help college students to form a better environmental moral concept, and enable them to devote themselves to the great cause of building "beautiful China" earlier. It is an important subject for college students to carry out ideological and political education. This article proceeds from the practice, has carried on the comparatively thorough discussion to this subject. This paper, from the angle of environmental moral education, insists on combining practice with theoretical analysis, and makes a deep understanding of the present situation of environmental moral education of six colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province by means of questionnaire survey. Based on the data of questionnaire, this paper summarizes the main problems existing in environmental moral education in colleges and universities in our country, and analyzes the reasons from the perspectives of society, university, family, students and so on, and then uses the method of literature retrieval. Based on the research results of environmental science, ethics and other related subjects, this paper puts forward practical solutions to the problems, and clarifies the main ways of environmental moral education in colleges and universities, combining theory with practice, and so on. This paper probes into the related problems of ecological moral education in colleges and universities. Through the research on this subject, we try our best to speed up the main position of ideological and political education in the environmental and moral education of colleges and universities, and to make use of the unique educational function of campus culture in the ideological and political education work. Constantly strengthening and improving environmental moral education in colleges and universities. Developing environmental moral education in colleges and universities is a long-term and complex work. It needs the active participation of all college people, as well as the whole society, the government and enterprises, to stand up in the present. Cooperate with each other to cultivate the ecological college students who are needed by the society, and to complete the construction of environmental moral education in colleges and universities.


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