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发布时间:2018-11-21 18:37
【摘要】:大学生乃国之栋梁,他们肩负着名族振兴的重大使命,在发展中国特色社会主义伟大事业中扮演着重要的角色。所以,当代大学生的理想信念状况也就直接关系着国家的兴衰以及民族的未来。大学时期又是大学生理想信念形成的关键时期,这个时期形成的理想信念支撑其一生发展。因此,在大学时期加强大学生理想信念教育具有重要意义。 以往的思想政治教育工作,囿于传统观念,将思想政治教育工作对象当作纯粹的客体,着重致力于理想信念教育的系统灌输,不重视大学生对于理想信念教育的接受问题,从而导致理想信念教育的实效性低,,无法达到教育目的。本研究将从心理学的视角切入研究当代大学生理想信念教育,从大学生对理想信念教育接受心理为突破口,通过文献研究法了解理想信念教育问题国内国外的研究状况,对已有的研究成果进行搜集、梳理、归纳,提出本课题的研究角度、内容。运用调查法进行量化分析,从调查的结果中归理研究对象存在的普遍性和特殊性,发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,增强当代高校理想信念教育的针对性和实效性。 通过调研收集来的数据研究分析得出影响大学生在理想信念教育接受活动中四个关键因素:认知接受、情感接受、方法接受、需求接受。通过对这四个维度的分析得出大学生在理想信念教育中存在的性别、年级、学科、政治面貌、是否学生干部这几个方面存在的差异,针对出现的具体差异提出具有针对性的优化策略,从而提高理想信念教育接受的实效性,为高校理想信念教育提供新的理论与实践依据。
[Abstract]:College students are the pillars of the country. They shoulder the great mission of rejuvenating the famous people and play an important role in developing the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, the ideal and belief situation of contemporary college students is directly related to the rise and fall of the country and the future of the nation. The university period is also the key period for the formation of college students' ideals and beliefs, which support their lifetime development. Therefore, it is of great significance to strengthen the education of college students' ideals and beliefs. In the past, the ideological and political education work was confined to the traditional concept. The object of the ideological and political education was regarded as the pure object, which focused on the systematic inculcation of the ideal and belief education, and did not attach importance to the acceptance of the ideal and belief education by the college students. As a result, the actual effect of ideal and belief education is low and the aim of education can not be achieved. From the perspective of psychology, this study will study the ideal and belief education of contemporary college students. From the perspective of college students' acceptance of psychology of ideal and belief education, we will understand the research situation of ideal and belief education at home and abroad through the method of literature research. The existing research results are collected, combed, summarized, and the research angle and content of this subject are put forward. By using the method of investigation, this paper analyzes the universality and particularity of the research object, finds out the problems, analyzes the problems, solves the problems, and strengthens the pertinence and effectiveness of the ideal and belief education in contemporary colleges and universities. Through the research and analysis of the collected data, four key factors influencing college students' acceptance of ideal and belief education are obtained: cognitive acceptance, emotional acceptance, method acceptance, and demand acceptance. Through the analysis of these four dimensions, the differences in the aspects of gender, grade, discipline, political outlook, whether student cadres exist in the education of ideals and beliefs of college students are obtained. In order to improve the effectiveness of the acceptance of ideal and belief education and provide a new theoretical and practical basis for the ideal and belief education in colleges and universities, this paper puts forward targeted optimization strategies in view of the concrete differences.


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