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发布时间:2018-11-22 20:28
【摘要】:和谐教育思想在中西方历史中源远流长,有很深的文化底蕴和哲学基础。随着构建社会主义和谐社会的提出,和谐教育越来越受到关注,作为高校发展的一种教育模式,和谐教育在实践中取得了初步的效果。然而长久以来,高校教育受应试教育及市场经济发展的影响,尽管教育目标大都定位于培养德、智、体、美全面发展的合格建设者和人才,但我们目前的教育大多注重知识的传授,关注学生智力方面的发展,而相对忽视了学生德、体、美方面的发展,同时也忽视了学生心理和精神方面的发展需求,造成学生各方面素质发展的不和谐,高校和谐教育体系的构建显得尤为迫切。 本文通过实证调查了解高校和谐教育体系构建现状,从相对微观的层面出发,通过教育理念、课程设置、教师培养、学生培养及教育环境五个方面来分析高校和谐教育体系构建存在的问题及原因,并相应的探析体系构建的途径。 首先,通过文献收集,在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,梳理和谐教育的理论溯源和历史发展进程,对和谐教育进行系统的理论探讨,明确和谐教育的概念、特征以及实施和谐教育的原则、现实意义等方面的内容。 其次,在理清和谐教育体系范畴的基础上,采用学生问卷调查和教师访谈的方法来了解目前高校和谐教育体系构建现状,同时总结出高校和谐教育体系构建存在的问题,即教育理念滞后、功利化,课程设置不合理、教师培养存在误区、学生培养有失偏颇、教育环境建设不完善,并从社会、高校、教师、学生四个方面分析了体系构建的影响因素,比如受社会传统及社会竞争的影响,高校对和谐教育思想践行力度不够,以人为本理念缺失,教师主人翁意识缺乏,学生价值观不稳定等。 最后,在对高校和谐教育体系构建问题分析的基础上,根据我国高校的现实情况,借鉴国内外成功的经验,探析高校构建和谐教育体系的途径,,即树立和谐教育理念,建设和谐课程体系,促进教师和谐发展,引导学生和谐发展,建设和谐教育环境。
[Abstract]:The thought of harmonious education has a long history in both China and the West and has a deep cultural background and philosophical foundation. With the construction of a socialist harmonious society, harmonious education has been paid more and more attention. As an educational model for the development of colleges and universities, harmonious education has achieved preliminary results in practice. However, for a long time, college education has been influenced by examination-oriented education and the development of market economy, although the educational goal is to train qualified builders and talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and beauty. However, most of our current education pays attention to the imparting of knowledge and the development of students' intelligence, while ignoring the development of students' moral, physical and aesthetic aspects, and at the same time ignoring the psychological and spiritual development needs of students. The construction of harmonious education system in colleges and universities is especially urgent. This article through the empirical investigation to understand the university harmonious education system construction present situation, from the relatively microscopic level, through the education idea, the curriculum arrangement, the teacher training, This paper analyzes the problems and causes of the construction of harmonious education system in colleges and universities from the five aspects of student training and educational environment, and probes into the ways of constructing the system accordingly. First of all, through the literature collection, on the basis of the previous research results, combing the theoretical origin and historical development process of harmonious education, this paper makes a systematic theoretical discussion on harmonious education, and clarifies the concept of harmonious education. Features and the implementation of the principles of harmonious education, practical significance and other aspects of the content. Secondly, on the basis of clarifying the category of harmonious education system, using the methods of student questionnaire and teacher interview to understand the current situation of constructing harmonious education system in colleges and universities, and summarize the problems existing in the construction of harmonious education system in colleges and universities. That is, the concept of education lags behind, utilitarianism, unreasonable curriculum, misunderstanding in teacher training, biased cultivation of students, imperfect educational environment, and from the society, universities, teachers, The four aspects of the students analyzed the influence factors of the system construction, such as the influence of social tradition and social competition, the insufficient practice of harmonious education in colleges and universities, the lack of people-oriented concept, the lack of teachers' sense of ownership. Students' values are unstable and so on. Finally, on the basis of analyzing the problems of constructing harmonious education system in colleges and universities, according to the reality of colleges and universities in our country, and drawing on the successful experience at home and abroad, this paper probes into the ways of constructing harmonious education system in colleges and universities, that is, setting up the idea of harmonious education. Build a harmonious curriculum system, promote the harmonious development of teachers, guide the harmonious development of students, and build a harmonious educational environment.


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