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发布时间:2018-11-24 07:51
[Abstract]:The implementation and reform of the comprehensive science curriculum in the basic education stage puts forward new requirements for science teachers. The development of science education needs the quality of talent training in normal colleges and universities. The reform of teacher education in normal colleges lags behind the development of basic education and cannot meet the needs of basic education. Therefore, it is urgent to investigate the training quality of graduates in order to further promote the teaching reform of science education in our school, improve the quality of personnel training, and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of the graduates of science education in our school. Turn passive adaptation into initiative leading the development of science education in basic education. This study is based on the comprehensive science curriculum reform in the basic education stage and the needs of the teacher education reform in colleges and universities, and on the basis of the existing scientific education specialty construction and research results. Based on the foreign standards of science teachers and the ability requirements of comprehensive science teachers in China, a questionnaire survey was carried out on the new teachers who graduated from science education major in our school for nearly five years. Through the employers' questionnaire survey on the satisfaction of the graduates majoring in science education in our university, and through the interview and investigation of some outstanding graduates, this paper synthesizes the investigation and analysis of the above three aspects in order to understand the employment situation of the graduates. To understand their adaptation to the actual teaching work, and to evaluate the teaching quality and teaching effect of the major of science education in our university. Comprehensive analysis of graduate tracking survey, employer satisfaction survey and excellent graduate experience summary of the conclusions, in the Schern reflective teaching theory, Rogers free learning theory, Under the guidance of case teaching theory and other teaching ability training theories, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the quality of personnel training of science education major in our university: (1) the construction of comprehensive interactive curriculum system, including the enhancement of the curriculum of education and teaching management, We should add the science education curriculum, deepen the psychology course, systematize the experiment skill course, fully permeate the cultivation of the creative ability to realize the all-round promotion of knowledge and ability, and set up the theory course and the practice course. The course contents are organized according to practice to theory and practice to realize the parallelism of theory and practice. (2) flexible and efficient means of curriculum implementation, including enhancing the effectiveness of curriculum implementation through project teaching methods, case teaching methods, and so on, by extending time, defining objectives, and strengthening management; Establish the whole process examination system and other measures to realize the reflective practice of the educational practice course. (3) through the in-depth analysis of the investigation information, this study further conceives a new practice-oriented training model: the freshman realizes the transformation of the role from scholar to teacher, and the sophomore carries out professional skills training based on the actual needs. The third year studies the theory deeply from the practice regression, and the senior year tests the theory again in the higher practice.


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