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发布时间:2018-11-24 08:55
【摘要】:个人的社会化过程是一个长期的过程,也是一个不断变化和发展的过程。学生作为未成熟的社会成员,他们社会化的过程有其自身的特点,然而受市场经济及社会不良风气的影响,大学生在社会化的进程中势必会出现各种问题。本文作者致力于对大学生存在的过度社会化问题的普遍性予以肯定、进而探讨不同性别、不同家庭出身背景、不同学生干部经历、不同学历层次的大学生在思想观念、道德情感、行为意向三个过度社会化方面所存在的差异、进而深入分析产生差异的根源所在,力求达到增强社会、学校、家长、教师等对大学生社会化进程的重视,以便采取有效措施促进大学生积极地完成社会化内容。本文作者借助教育学与社会心理学的学科视角,选取大学生过度社会化问题为研究命题,按照“提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”的研究思路,就大学生过度社会化问题展开讨论。 本研究将以与大学生过度社会化相关的文献资料为理论基础,对大学生过度社会化现象从多角度进行梳理和建构,事先拟定研究思路,编制调查问卷,采用访谈、问卷调查法等多种研究方法。基于此,本研究的主要结果包括: 第一,从总体情况来看,大学生在思想观念、道德情感、行为意向三方面均普遍存在过度社会化的问题,但大学生过度社会化问题并不是很严重。 第二,不同性别大学生在过度社会化方面的表现存在着差异,但是差异并不显著。 第三,不同学生干部经历的大学生在过度社会化方面的表现存在显著的差异。 第四,不同家庭出身背景的大学生在过度社会化方面的表现存在显著的差异。 第五,不同学历层次的大学生在过度社会化方面的表现存在显著差异。 第六,从总体上来看,大学生在思想观念与行为意向方面存在显著的正相关,符合知行统一的原则;大学生的思想观念与道德情感、道德情感与行为意向存在不显著的正相关。
[Abstract]:The process of individual socialization is a long-term process as well as a process of constant change and development. Students as immature members of society, their socialization process has its own characteristics, but by the market economy and bad social atmosphere, college students in the process of socialization is bound to appear a variety of problems. The author of this paper is committed to affirming the universality of the problem of excessive socialization of college students, and then explores the ideas of college students with different gender, different family background, different student cadres' experiences and different educational levels. The differences in the three aspects of excessive socialization of moral emotion and behavioral intention are analyzed, and the root causes of the differences are analyzed in order to enhance the social, school, parents and teachers' attention to the socialization process of college students. In order to take effective measures to promote college students to actively complete the socialization of content. From the perspective of pedagogy and social psychology, the author chooses the problem of excessive socialization of college students as the research topic, and according to the research ideas of "asking questions, analyzing problems, solving problems". The problem of excessive socialization of college students is discussed. Based on the literature related to the excessive socialization of college students, this study will sort out and construct the phenomenon of excessive socialization of college students from various angles, draw up the research ideas in advance, compile questionnaires, and use interviews. Questionnaire survey and other research methods. Based on this, the main results of this study are as follows: first, from the overall situation, college students generally have the problem of excessive socialization in the three aspects of ideology, moral emotion and behavior intention. However, the problem of excessive socialization of college students is not very serious. Second, there are differences in the oversocialization of college students of different genders, but the differences are not significant. Third, there are significant differences in the oversocialization of college students with different student cadres. Fourth, there are significant differences in the performance of excessive socialization among college students with different family backgrounds. Fifth, there are significant differences in the performance of oversocialization among college students of different educational levels. Sixth, on the whole, there is a significant positive correlation between the ideology and the behavior intention of college students, which accords with the principle of unity of knowledge and practice, and there is no significant positive correlation between the ideological concept and the moral emotion, the moral emotion and the behavior intention of the college students.


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