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发布时间:2018-11-25 15:58
【摘要】:消费是人类赖以生存和发展的一种社会活动,消费行为是一个国家经济健康状况及每个人的经济健康状况的反映,对个人的价值取向和行为方式具有重要影响。大学生作为一个特殊的社会消费群体,其消费行为极具代表性,代表了民族的希望和国家的未来。因此,分析研究当前大学生的消费行为现状,挖掘出其存在的问题和成因,,并通过建立当代大学生自我教育、家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育的综合模式引导大学生形成合理的消费行为,对大学生树立正确的价值观及促进大学生全面发展和社会发展具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 文章从当前大学生消费行为相关概念入手,从四个部分具体展开论述: 第一部分对大学生消费行为相关概念进行了科学界定。按照消费的内涵、消费行为的内涵、大学生消费行为内涵的逻辑结构引出研究当前大学生消费行为现状的必要性,提出了研究重点和问题。 第二部分对当前大学生消费行为现状进行调查分析。首先对调查进行了概述,从问卷设计、研究对象、研究方法等方面做了具体说明,并具体展示当前大学生消费行为现状;其次,通过对当前大学生消费行为现状分析,总结出当前大学生消费特点、消费结构、消费心理及消费普遍存在的误区。 第三部分通过对当前大学生消费行为现状的分析,概括造成大学生消费行为不合理的相关原因。主要从大学生自身特点、家庭环境影响、学校环境影响及社会环境影响方面来分析。 第四部分探讨构建大学生合理消费行为的对策。具体从大学生自身、家庭、学校及社会四方面来论述,大学生自我教育和引导是根本,家庭、学校和社会的教育和引导是重要辅助,多管齐下,共同解决当前大学生消费行为存在的问题。
[Abstract]:Consumption is a kind of social activity on which human beings depend for survival and development. Consumption behavior is the reflection of a country's economic health and everyone's economic health, which has an important influence on the individual's value orientation and behavior style. College students as a special social consumption group, their consumption behavior is very representative, representing the hope of the nation and the future of the country. Therefore, this paper analyzes and studies the current situation of college students' consumption behavior, excavates its existing problems and causes, and through the establishment of contemporary college students' self-education, family education, school education, The comprehensive mode of social education guides college students to form reasonable consumption behavior and has important theoretical and practical significance for college students to establish correct values and promote their all-round development and social development. This article starts with the current concept of college students' consumption behavior and discusses it from four parts: the first part defines the related concepts of college students' consumption behavior scientifically. According to the connotation of consumption, the connotation of consumption behavior, and the logical structure of the connotation of consumption behavior of college students, the necessity of studying the current situation of consumption behavior of college students is elicited, and the research emphases and problems are put forward. The second part investigates and analyzes the current consumption behavior of college students. First of all, the survey is summarized, from the questionnaire design, research objects, research methods and other aspects to make a specific explanation, and specifically show the current situation of college students' consumption behavior; Secondly, by analyzing the current situation of college students' consumption behavior, the author summarizes the common misunderstandings of the current college students' consumption characteristics, consumption structure, consumption psychology and consumption. The third part analyzes the current situation of college students' consumption behavior, and generalizes the related reasons for the irrational consumption behavior of college students. This paper analyzes the characteristics of college students, family environment, school environment and social environment. The fourth part discusses the countermeasures to construct the reasonable consumption behavior of college students. From the four aspects of college students themselves, family, school and society, it is discussed that the self-education and guidance of college students is fundamental, and the education and guidance of family, school and society is an important auxiliary and multi-pronged approach. Jointly solve the problems existing in the consumption behavior of college students.


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