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发布时间:2018-11-25 21:05
【摘要】:近年来,国际国内各大赛事活动的相继举办让志愿者走入了公众视野,也为志愿者提供了不断发挥和进步的工作规模,特别是在北京奥运会的活动中和上海世博会等两次大型活动中都体现出了,高校志愿者服务队伍的能力和素质。随着高校志愿者服务事业快速发展,尤其是服务队伍的日益壮大,服务形式的多样化,使得高校志愿者服务在众多的领域中发挥着极其重要的作用。深入参与到社区建设、环境保护、大型赛事活动等领域,成果和影响十分突出,展现出其鲜明的时代特点与广阔的发展前景。高校志愿者在大型活动中的参与除提高了高校志愿者自身的综合素质外,还在各个方面都发挥了十分重要的作用,在维护社会稳定、社会进步、构建和谐社会有重要的意义。 在新的形势下,高校志愿者参与大型活动还存在很多问题。特别与国外的志愿者服务活动相比,我国志愿者服务事业还显的很不成熟特别是高校志愿者服务活动的组织机制还需要不断完善,不然会制约了高校志愿者的发展。本文主要通过调查问卷的形式进行研究,在参与举办大型集体活动的大背景下,结合世博志愿者的组织机制的经验,分析研究了高校志愿者组织机制现状及存在问题,并对成因进行了研究说明。在此基础上,,本文认为应该从高校志愿者在参与大型活动时的角色定位、价值引导、运行模式为切入点完善组织机制。为今后高校志愿者参与各类大型活动提供了可供学习的成熟机制,有一定的现实意义。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the international and domestic events have been held one after another to allow volunteers to enter the public view, but also to provide volunteers with continuous play and progress of the scale of work. Especially in the activities of Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai World Expo, the ability and quality of volunteer service team in colleges and universities are reflected. With the rapid development of volunteer service in colleges and universities, especially the growing of service ranks and the diversification of service forms, the volunteer service in colleges and universities is playing an extremely important role in many fields. Deeply involved in community construction, environmental protection, large-scale events and other fields, the results and impact is very prominent, showing its distinctive characteristics of the times and broad prospects for development. The participation of university volunteers in large-scale activities not only improves the comprehensive quality of university volunteers, but also plays a very important role in all aspects. It is of great significance in maintaining social stability, social progress and building a harmonious society. In the new situation, university volunteers to participate in large-scale activities there are still many problems. In particular, compared with the volunteer service activities abroad, the volunteer service cause in our country is still very immature, especially the organizational mechanism of the volunteer service activities in colleges and universities needs to be constantly improved, otherwise, it will restrict the development of university volunteers. This article mainly through the questionnaire form carries on the research, under the participation large-scale collective activity background, unifies the Expo volunteer organization mechanism experience, has analyzed the university volunteer organization mechanism present situation and the existence question. And the causes of the study were explained. On this basis, this paper holds that the role orientation, value guidance and operation mode of university volunteers in participating in large-scale activities should be taken as the starting point to perfect the organizational mechanism. It provides a mature mechanism for university volunteers to participate in all kinds of large-scale activities in the future, which has certain practical significance.


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