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发布时间:2018-11-28 21:02
[Abstract]:The development of media technology has a profound impact on the development of human society. The birth of each new media technology will bring profound influence to the social economy, politics, culture and other fields. Especially the media environment as the information environment, the change of the cultural environment has a direct and significant impact on the college students. With the rapid development of the Internet, the emergence and popularization of social media technology has shaped a completely different new media environment. Based on the real interpersonal relationship, social media expands the social network of users by taking advantage of the wide and rapid spread of the Internet. Compared with traditional social media, social media is more reliable, generally accepted and widely used, especially by college students. College students, as a group of potential consumers with potential consumer power and brand influence, have a remarkable appeal to all major brands. What kind of social media can have more college students, and which features of social media can attract college students effectively. The answers to these questions point the way for the future development of social media. After reading and combing a lot of relevant literature, based on the technology acceptance model and the theory of usage and satisfaction, this paper adds two variables, social media entertainment and fashion, on the basis of the traditional model perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. At the same time, the user characteristics (gender, grade, monthly expenditure level) are incorporated into the whole model to form the final model of university students' preference for social media use. Based on the descriptive analysis of the sample and the reliability and validity of the survey data, the variance analysis of each variable is carried out on the basis of ensuring the validity of the sample survey data. After that, the relevant analysis of important research variables is carried out to establish the influencing factors of college students' preference for social media. The results show that the technology acceptance model is still applicable in studying university students' preference for the use of social media, perceiving usefulness and perceived ease of use. The entertainment brought by social media has a positive effect on university students' preference for social media, and it is significant at the level of 1% confidence, and the gender difference of users will also have an impact on their preference for social media. Through the above analysis and research, we can provide relevant information for the development and transaction process of social media and e-commerce industry chain based on social media in China. It can also provide relevant reference for the profit of the development of social media website and mobile phone application software in our country. In order to further demonstrate the research results of this paper, this paper selected the most popular social media WeChat as the research object, through the case analysis, found that WeChat received the college students' general popularity mainly because of the convenient use of WeChat. Strong entertainment, and can support college students to share new things with their friends at any time, to meet the needs of college students to communicate and share, access to information. Finally, based on the conclusions of empirical research and case analysis, this paper analyzes the preference of college students to the use of social media, so as to further expand the scale of users of social media. The corresponding suggestions and countermeasures are put forward to expand the user market.


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