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发布时间:2018-11-29 08:49
【摘要】:2011年11月,陈全国书记在中共西藏自治区第八次代表大会上讲话时指出,在“十二五”期间,要全面提高西藏高等教育的办学水平,力争建成一、两所在国内有影响力的高水平大学。西藏高校在制定发展目标的时候,已经考虑到了科研的因素,将“科研兴校”、“科研强校”和“质量立校”确定为了新时期发展的战略目标。 西藏高校科研开始于西藏公学时期,并有了初步的发展,随后又在“文革”时期遭受破坏。改革开放以后,西藏高校科研迅速恢复和发展,科研职能在西藏高校最终获得确立。党中央第三次西藏工作座谈会召开以后,西藏高校科研开始进入了蓬勃发展的时期。之后,随着“科教兴国”、“科教兴藏”和“西部大开发”战略的相继提出,以及教育援藏、科技援藏和人才援藏政策的实施,西藏高校科研呈现出了一片繁荣的发展景象。在这一时期,西藏高校科研的发展已经趋于成熟,形成了符合西藏经济社会发展的基本研究经验和科研优势,民族学和藏学研究也迎来了鼎盛时期,以特色享誉国内外,具有鲜明的民族特色、区域特色和高原特色。西藏高校科研的繁荣发展,带动了西藏区域经济的发展,传承和发扬了西藏优秀的传统文化,坚决抵制了反分裂势力的各种破坏活动,为维护西藏社会的稳定与发展做出了重要贡献,大幅提升了西藏高校的办学水平和人才培养质量,也为处理好西藏在加快现代化进程中产生的各种问题,如西藏现代化发展与本土化发展的矛盾,资源开发利用与高原生态保护的矛盾等,发挥了积极的作用,,西藏高校通过建立科研基地、积极争取西部和西藏科研项目等,做了大量的专门研究总之,西藏高校科研已经处在了西藏社会生产与发展的前沿,发挥着不可替代的作用,是西藏发展科学的主要力量。 西藏高校科研在取得重大成就的同时,也存在着一些突出的问题,一方面制约着西藏高校科研未来更好的发展,一方面也为西藏高校科研未来的发展创造了一定的提升空间。基于以上考虑,笔者以西藏高校科研的发展历程、成就、现状和存在的问题介绍为基础,通过分析影响西藏高校科研发展的内外部因素,并以此探索西藏高校科研未来更好发展的空间和路径选择。以此希望,本研究能够为关注西藏高校科研发展的学者将来做进一步的研究,提供一定的理论帮助和文献参考,为决策者制定西藏高校科研的发展规划,提供一定的理论依据。
[Abstract]:In his speech at the eighth Congress of the Tibet Autonomous region of the Communist Party of China in November 2011, Secretary Chen Quanguo pointed out that during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, it is necessary to comprehensively raise the level of running higher education in Tibet and strive to build one. Two influential high-level universities in the country. In formulating development goals, Tibetan colleges and universities have taken into account the factors of scientific research, and have determined the strategic objectives for the development of the new period by "prospering schools through scientific research", "strengthening schools by scientific research" and "setting up schools by quality". The scientific research of higher education in Tibet began during the period of Tibetan public school and developed preliminarily, and then was damaged during the Cultural Revolution. After reform and opening up, scientific research in Tibetan colleges and universities was rapidly restored and developed, and the scientific research function was finally established in Tibetan colleges and universities. After the third Tibet work Symposium of the CPC Central Committee, the scientific research of Tibetan colleges and universities has entered a period of vigorous development. After that, with the development of science and education, the strategy of developing Tibet through science and education, and the implementation of the policies of education, science and technology, and talents, the scientific research of higher education in Tibet has shown a prosperous development. During this period, the development of scientific research in Tibetan colleges and universities has matured, forming the basic research experience and scientific research advantages in line with the economic and social development of Tibet, and the ethnology and Tibetan studies have also ushered in the heyday period, enjoying a reputation at home and abroad for their characteristics. Has the distinct national characteristic, the region characteristic and the plateau characteristic. The prosperity and development of scientific research in Tibetan colleges and universities has led to the development of Tibet's regional economy, inherited and carried forward Tibet's excellent traditional culture, and resolutely resisted all kinds of destructive activities by anti-separatist forces. It has made important contributions to safeguarding the stability and development of Tibetan society, has greatly improved the level of running schools and the quality of talent training in Tibetan universities, and has also done a good job in dealing with the various problems that have arisen in Tibet in speeding up the modernization process. For example, the contradiction between the development of modernization and localization in Tibet, the contradiction between the exploitation and utilization of resources and the ecological protection of the plateau have played a positive role. Through the establishment of scientific research bases, colleges and universities in Tibet actively strive for scientific research projects in the west and Tibet. In short, the scientific research of higher education institutions in Tibet is at the forefront of social production and development in Tibet, plays an irreplaceable role and is the main force for the development of science in Tibet. At the same time, there are some outstanding problems in the scientific research of Tibetan colleges and universities. On the one hand, it restricts the better development of scientific research in Tibetan colleges and universities, and on the other hand, it creates a certain improvement space for the future development of scientific research in colleges and universities in Tibet. Based on the above considerations, based on the introduction of the development course, achievements, present situation and existing problems of scientific research in Tibetan colleges and universities, the author analyzes the internal and external factors that affect the development of scientific research in Tibetan colleges and universities. And to explore the future development of scientific research in Tibet colleges and universities space and path choice. It is hoped that this study can provide some theoretical help and references for the scholars who pay attention to the development of scientific research in colleges and universities in Tibet in the future, and provide a certain theoretical basis for the decision makers to formulate the development plan of scientific research in colleges and universities in Tibet.


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