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发布时间:2018-11-29 12:43
【摘要】:教育全球化、教育终身化,教育逐渐突破了教育广度与深度的束缚,走向教育全面化的趋势。一个国家的政策的制定体现着国家的发展前景。在全球化背景下,教育要面向世界,,相应而言招生录取也要有国际化的视野,但在教育竞争日益激烈,教育理念逐渐转变的今天,招生的竞争仍旧方兴未艾。优质生源的选拔是培养优秀人才、拔尖人才的重要保证,生源之争夺战逐渐由国内转向国际。如何选拔优秀的生源?成为各国所面临的重要问题。无论普通的高等院校,还是常青藤联盟的成员都竭尽所能之势,制定适合本国的国际招生政策。从我国人才发展战略、文化繁荣的策略来看,如何制定我国的国际招生政策,成为重要的挑战。美国哈佛大学是常青藤联盟的主要成员,以培养世界众多的拔尖人才而闻名于世。其国际招生政策、人才培养模式等方面的经验将会是很好的借鉴。 在我国高考改革正在紧张激烈的进行中。因此研究美国哈佛大学这一世界发达国家的一流大学面向国际招生有利于丰富我们的国际招生理念。通过对美国政策宏观的分析有利于深入的认识国家制度与政治、经济、文化之间的内在关系,对于我国制定相应的招生政策有一定的理论借鉴意义。 本论文主要从以下五部分进行研究,具体研究内容如下: 第一部分作为引言部分,主要从研究问题、选题意义、国内外研究现状和研究方法几部分进行说明本论文所要研究的主要内容。 第二部分主要研究了哈佛大学的国际招生理念、招生政策的标准、国际招生程序、以及非学位教育的国际招生政策进行清晰的梳理。 第三部分分析了哈佛大学国际招生政策制定的影响因素。从历史、政治、经济、文化四个维度进行了分析。 第四部分从国际学生的来源分布、学生的专业选择情况、录取程序以及实施效果等几大方面对美国哈佛大学国际招生政策的实施进行分析,以及总结出实施的一些不足之处。 第五部分是文章的总结,从学校的办学理念与招收国际学生标准的制定、入学语言水平与课堂教学语言的要求、国际留学生的待遇问题和借助机遇吸收优质生源等四方面进行论述,概括了出了对我国国际招生政策制定的启示。
[Abstract]:Education globalization, education life-long, education has gradually broken through the restraint of the breadth and depth of education, towards the trend of comprehensive education. The formulation of a country's policy reflects the country's development prospects. Under the background of globalization, education should face the world and recruit students should have an international field of vision. However, the competition of enrollment is still in the ascendant today when the educational competition is increasingly fierce and the educational concept is gradually changing. The selection of high quality students is an important guarantee to train outstanding talents and top talents, and the battle for the source of students gradually shifts from domestic to international. How to select excellent students? Become the important problem that each country faces. Members of both colleges and universities, and Ivy League members, are doing everything they can to develop a nationally appropriate international admissions policy. From the point of view of the strategy of talent development and the strategy of cultural prosperity, how to formulate the international enrollment policy has become an important challenge. Harvard University is a leading member of the Ivy League and is well-known for training many of the world's top talents. Its international enrollment policy, talent training model and other aspects of experience will be a good reference. The reform of college entrance examination in our country is going on intensely and intensely. Therefore, it is helpful to enrich our idea of international enrollment by studying Harvard University, a leading university in developed countries in the world. The macroscopic analysis of American policy is helpful to understand the internal relationship between national system, politics, economy and culture, and has certain theoretical significance for our country to formulate the corresponding enrollment policy. This paper mainly carries on the research from the following five parts, the concrete research content is as follows: the first part as the introduction part, mainly from the research question, the topic choice significance, Domestic and foreign research status and research methods to explain the main content of this paper. The second part mainly studies Harvard University's international enrollment idea, admission policy standard, international enrollment procedure, and international enrollment policy of non-degree education. The third part analyzes the influence factors of the international enrollment policy of Harvard University. This paper analyzes the four dimensions of history, politics, economy and culture. The fourth part analyzes the implementation of the international enrollment policy of Harvard University from the sources and distribution of international students, students' professional selection, admission procedures and the effect of the implementation, and summarizes some shortcomings of the implementation. The fifth part is the summary of the article, from the school idea and the international student admission standard formulation, the entrance language level and the classroom teaching language request, This paper discusses the treatment of international students and absorbs high quality students with the help of opportunity, and summarizes the enlightenment to the formulation of international enrollment policy in China.


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