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发布时间:2018-12-05 22:23
【摘要】:来华留学生教育是我国发挥国际影响,传播中国文化,构建国际交往桥梁的重要途径,是教育改革服务于我国外交,经济,科技发展的重要方面。留学生教育作为文化交流的一种形式,促成了世界范围内异质文化跨地域、跨民族的对话,接受留学生的国家从中获得的是文化输出和经济利益,而留学生派出国获得的是先进的科学技术和管理经验。这种互动的双向关系成为各个国家获得互补和某种需要的共同选择。各国都把培养留学生作为推动本国文化经济发展的重要途径。 内蒙古作为边疆少数民族地区,与国内中东部发达地区相比,留学生教育的发展相对滞后,但内蒙古独特的民族文化与地域特色正逐渐成为吸引留学生的一个亮点。本文的目的在于对内蒙古高校蒙古国留学生教育发展的现状进行分析,发现发展中存在的问题,了解其特点,为进一步加快发展内蒙古高校蒙古国留学生教育提出参考性的建议。 本论文由五个部分组成:导论部分,主要阐述选题依据、国内外研究现状概况以及论文的创新点和难点。第一部分,中蒙两国教育交流概况及影响,这部分简短的回顾了中蒙两国教育交流概况以及教育交流对两国关系的影响。第二部分,内蒙古高校蒙古国留学生教育现状调查及分析,选取了内蒙古接收蒙古国留学生教育的5所高校和留学生为调查对象,采取了问卷调查和个别访谈相结合的调查方式。第三部分,根据调查结果,对内蒙古高校蒙古国留学生教育中存在的问题进行了归纳总结。第四部分,针对存在的问题,提出了促进内蒙古高校蒙古国留学生教育发展的建议。
[Abstract]:The education of foreign students coming to China is an important way for our country to exert international influence, spread Chinese culture and build a bridge of international communication. It is also an important aspect of educational reform in serving the development of foreign affairs, economy, science and technology of our country. As a form of cultural exchange, the education of foreign students has contributed to a cross-cultural and cross-national dialogue in the world, from which countries receiving foreign students have benefited from cultural exports and economic benefits. The countries that send foreign students acquire advanced science and technology and management experience. This interactive two-way relationship is a common choice for each country to achieve complementarity and a certain need. All countries regard the cultivation of foreign students as an important way to promote their cultural and economic development. Compared with the developed areas in the central and eastern part of China, the development of foreign students' education in Inner Mongolia, as a frontier minority area, lags behind, but the unique national culture and regional characteristics of Inner Mongolia are gradually becoming a bright spot to attract foreign students. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current situation of the development of Mongolian students' education in colleges and universities in Inner Mongolia, to find out the problems existing in the development, and to understand its characteristics. To further speed up the development of Mongolian students in colleges and universities in Inner Mongolia education for reference suggestions. This paper is composed of five parts: introduction, the basis of topic selection, the current situation of domestic and foreign research, the innovation and difficulties of the paper. The first part is about the general situation and influence of educational exchange between China and Mongolia. This part briefly reviews the general situation of educational exchange between China and Mongolia and the influence of educational exchange on the relationship between the two countries. In the second part, the investigation and analysis of the present situation of Mongolian students' education in Inner Mongolia colleges and universities are carried out, and five universities and foreign students who receive Mongolian students' education in Inner Mongolia are selected as the objects of investigation. A questionnaire survey and individual interviews are adopted. In the third part, according to the investigation results, the problems in Mongolian students' education in Inner Mongolia colleges and universities are summarized. The fourth part, aiming at the existing problems, puts forward some suggestions to promote the development of Mongolian students' education in Inner Mongolia colleges and universities.


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