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发布时间:2018-12-06 20:07
[Abstract]:How to carry on the scientific and reasonable examination to the university teacher is related to the development of the university teacher and the construction of the university teacher team, and affects the realization of the strategic development goal of the university. On the basis of combing the research results of the performance appraisal of university teachers at home and abroad, and guided by the theory and method of the performance appraisal, this paper analyzes the present situation of the performance appraisal of teachers in colleges and universities at home and abroad. From the aspects of assessment system, establishment of assessment standards, application of assessment methods and implementation of assessment process, it is revealed that there is a lack of understanding of the purpose of performance appraisal in colleges and universities, and the design of assessment standards pays little attention to teaching and scientific research, while ignoring the differences of disciplines. The assessment methods are not scientific and lack of feedback. The causes of the problems are analyzed from the administrative departments, university teachers, university administrators and other participants. This paper puts forward four countermeasures and suggestions in improving the performance appraisal of university teachers: first, by setting up a correct view of performance appraisal, giving full play to teachers' main position, improving the organization of performance appraisal to further improve the performance appraisal system; The second is the combination of quantitative assessment and qualitative assessment, the combination of peacetime assessment and year-end assessment, and the assessment method of scientific research assessment based on employment assessment, the third is to do a good job of mobilizing assessment, attach importance to assessment feedback, attach importance to the "before and after process" of performance appraisal; Fourth, based on the discipline differences, using the method of key performance indicators and analytic hierarchy process, the assessment standard of equal emphasis on teaching and scientific research is formulated.


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