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发布时间:2018-12-08 07:41
【摘要】:近年来,随着社会、经济的不断发展,大学生创新素质的培养越来越成为知识经济背景下高等教育改革的一项紧迫任务。作为创新素质培养载体的校园文化能营造出良好的教育的氛围,具备提高大学生创新精神、创新思维、创新能力、创新知识以及创新人格的优势,因此,本研究从校园文化建设与大学生创新素质培养的关系入手,紧紧围绕校园文化建设开展大学生创新素质培养这一主旨,提出了自己的观点和对策。 本研究主要包括五个部分的内容。第一,选题的背景和意义,通过查阅相关资料分析了国内外研究状况并提出自己的技术路线;第二,创新素质的内涵及其影响因素,分析了创新素质的本质特点以及创新素质培养的必要性;第三,校园文化建设对创新素质培养的双重影响,主要分析了校园文化的特点以及校园文化建设对创新素质培养的积极作用和消极作用。第四,针对研究问题开展调查,,取得相关数据,通过数据分析阐述创新素质培养存在的问题;第五,校园文化建设视域下的大学生创新素质培养对策,分别从物质文化视域、制度文化视域、网络文化视域、学术文化视域以及生态文化视域等方面提出创新素质培养的具体措施。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous development of society and economy, the cultivation of college students' innovative quality has become an urgent task of higher education reform under the background of knowledge economy. The campus culture, as the carrier of the cultivation of innovative qualities, can create a good atmosphere of education and has the advantages of improving the innovative spirit, thinking, ability, knowledge and personality of college students. Starting with the relationship between campus culture construction and the cultivation of college students' innovative quality, this study puts forward its own viewpoints and countermeasures, focusing on the gist of carrying out the cultivation of college students' innovative quality in the construction of campus culture. This research mainly includes five parts. First, the background and significance of the topic, through the reference to relevant information analysis of domestic and foreign research situation and put forward their own technical route; Secondly, the connotation of innovation quality and its influencing factors are analyzed, and the essential characteristics of innovation quality and the necessity of cultivating innovation quality are analyzed. Thirdly, the double influence of campus culture construction on the cultivation of innovative quality is analyzed, which mainly analyzes the characteristics of campus culture and the positive and negative effects of campus culture construction on the cultivation of innovative quality. Fourth, carry on the investigation to the research problem, obtain the relevant data, through the data analysis expound the problems existing in the cultivation of the innovation quality; Fifthly, the countermeasures of cultivating college students' innovative quality from the perspective of campus culture construction, from the perspective of material culture, system culture and network culture, respectively. The author puts forward some concrete measures to cultivate creative quality from the perspective of academic culture and ecological culture.


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